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  1. Ability to sort drop down menus or at least have them alphabetised

    It would be nice if dropdown lists such as "Inventory Category", or ticket updates etc. could be auto-sorted into either alphabetised order or allow us a choice of say: A-B, B-A, Numerical, Importance etc etc.. currently, they only drop down in order that they have been created on the system admin, which means when you add new items,/categories etc. it can take ages to find the one you want

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  2. Change list "types" to auto-fill drop downs

    Hey guys,

    I was originally making this suggestion to request the "referred by" field type be converted; but then realized there's several different lists and modules in RS that are using inferior, non-editable, databases.

    Specifically, the "referred by" field is hugely important information, as you all know. My list of ways-customers-are-acquired is ever-growing. As of now, I've tried to combine certain referred terms together to make it easier to figure out what we're looking for. However, this is proving more difficult.

    I have the perfect solution for how to add/edit/delete these types of terms, and the best part is you're…

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  3. Trigger customer labels based upon fields entered at ticket creation

    When we book equipment into the workshop we always record if there was a power supply, a bag, software etc.

    It would be great if RS could print a label for each item that was recorded on the ticket.


    Customer books in laptop with power supply but no bag

    RS prints a customer label for the laptop and power supply - one is affixed to the laptop and the other to the power suply

    Customer books in a laptop with a bag plus a Software DVD, no power supply

    RS prints a label for the laptop, the bag and…

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  4. Easier data entry of Custom Fields

    We would like easier data entry of Custom Fields if possible.

    Option 1 - Make it so you can change the data in the Additional Information box - specifically the custom fields data/ check/uncheckboxes straight from the ticket screen. Have button to "save changes" in Additional Information box.

    Option 2 - Keep as is, to change you must click on 'edit custom fields' but move the 'save' button from the bottom of the list to the window next to Cancel as users keep forgetting to press save as it is out of view at the bottom of the list.

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  5. Add a 'Date' input field as a Field Type option

    Having the ability to add a date to a field would be fantastic for reporting and searching purposes.

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  6. We want only certain custom fields and checkboxes on the ticket receipt to give to the customer, and all of them on the full ticket print ou

    We would like the option to not show custom text fields such as Computer Password: on the ticket receipt, but still to allow it to print on Ticket (full) print/PDF.

    We want only certain custom fields and checkboxes on the ticket receipt to give to the customer, and all of them on the full ticket print out.

    We hand the ticket receipt to the customer on job receipt, and print a full ticket to stick on the equipment and use as a paper copy (we always keep a paper copy and often work from it).

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  7. Option to print/show on PDF for individual Custom fields including checkboxes

    Option to print/show on PDF for individual Custom fields including checkboxes. Eg. We like to print a Ticket Receipt and give it to the customer when they drop off a job to confirm what we have received from them.

    This includes custom fields such as Charger checkbox, laptop bag checkbox, other equipment text field.

    Checkboxes don't show up on a ticket receipt (I guess they would all show up if they did which wouldn't be good for us). Id like the option of showing only selected checkboxes on the ticket receipt.

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  8. Change the custom fields auto-capitize first letter when printing/PDF to same as source formatting

    Change the custom fields auto-capitize first letter when printing/PDF to same as source formatting. It looks messy when printing/PDF as it changes the source formatting. For example : -

    Custom field 2. RAM Check currently changes to 2. ram check

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    planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Admin →
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  9. Add purchase orders to logistics

    Just something to add to the non-critical list. It would be great to have a more intuitive PO module. POs are actually logistics and should show on that screen too. Also, it would be nice to have a place to add tracking numbers and links. PO's should have a link to the vendor's profile. Basically, the whole vendor/PO system should have a make-over. They are related and should be re-built around each other and link to each other. When everything else is done, of course ;)

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    under review  ·  Robert Reichner responded

    A PO make-over is up soon once serialized inventory is live. Hope to include some of these aspects in that pass!

  10. Add ability to book stock, parts etc. out to the store for personal/store use

    There are many occasions where we end up booking out stock to use in-store. Currently, the only way I can do this is to create a customer as the store but this means that we also have to pay the bill at the end which gets a bit of a headache with discounts etc.
    Perhaps there is a way that the store could book out items without all this messing about?
    Perhaps a screen we can go to - scan the item, click confirm and the system does the rest?

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    planned  ·  2 comments  ·  Admin →
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  11. Add "signatures" based on the user logged in.

    It would be handy to have something similar to an email signature that can be used when technicians are updating the customer through the ticket. Some of our technicians have different contact information or credentials/certifications they would have listed in their signature.

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  12. Need a open quotation reminder please :)

    Please can you guys add the same reminders for quotations as you have for invoices. I want the system to tell customers that we have sent them a quotation and we have not received a go ahead or response on their quotation yet. And that if we have no response in 30 days we will assume that they have abandoned their machine.

    Please guys the same as the open invoice reminder but just for quotations.

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  13. Customizeable Dashboard widgets

    Would like to see the ability to customize the widgets on the dashboard with custom criteria and to be able to drag and drop and arrange them.

    And example of this is

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    under review  ·  Rajesh Agarwal responded

    Try our new dashboard, and also our Domo integration. I’m pretty sure our domo integration gets you something similar to brightguage.

  14. Queues for different tickets

    Would like to see Queues implemented, wherein tickets can be assigned to different groups/queues, etc.

    This allows techs to be responsible for their Queue and for things to be escalated, moved around, etc.

    This is different than status. It is a holding box that the ticket resides in.

    For example:
    -Level I queue
    -Level II queue
    -Dispatch queue
    -Bench queue

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    under review  ·  Rajesh Agarwal responded

    Could you just use the ticket custom field types in conjunction with saved ticket searches to get this?

    I understand those aren’t really queues – but they kind of are. You can have multiple users in that list, assign between them, etc etc

    Comment with details if you think it’s very different, so we know what is missing. (details)

  15. Custom Fields - Parts

    It would be nice if we could add custom fields to the "Parts" section. It would also be nice to add vendors to this section and be able to track all items purchased from specific vendors.

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  16. Sales Detail Report

    Be able to pick an item to run the report. Include the link to the invoices as well. Thanks.

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  17. Sending invoices to xero as drafts not as approved invoices

    The integration to xero works well. Though it would be better to push the invoice to xero drafts, so that can be edited easily or deleted or approved before going to the final invoice to the client.

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    under review  ·  Robert Reichner responded

    Just to clarify, is the idea here that you could create an invoice in RepairShopr as a draft and then choose when to manually sync it to Xero? This is the feedback we’ve heard recently from others.

  18. Magento/Ecommerce and Chip and Pin

    A Magneto Plug in would work great for us, to push customer details, purchases and inventory both ways if possible to keep all info in one place.

    Also the integration for a chip and pin machines. We currently use the Stripe App to process card payment, We have looked at the option of Dinmikos ( to process the payment via chip and pin using Stripe however are unsure how that can integrate with Repairshopr.


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  19. Combine 'Problem Type' ticket field with 'Custom Field Type' field

    This would make more sense in the process of filling out a new ticket

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  20. Toggl Time Tracking - Needed for Multiple Techs

    We need a way to track time better.

    Here is the problem.
    The repair shopr built in timer does work hardly at all on a mobile phone browser.

    Toggl works awesome but Repair Shopr only allows one Person.

    So all this equals no good way to track time for onsite jobs.

    So how are my techs supposed to keep track of Billable time when they are onsite? If they do this manually and say they can put it in later we will miss billable time which cost us money. Techs wont remember the exact time at each job and we…

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    planned  ·  Rajesh Agarwal responded

    Planned means we want to do it, not that it’s scheduled for a dev to work on yet.

    Keep voting..

    We just scheduled a few tasks that had 70+ votes, we can’t do this before those.

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