Change list "types" to auto-fill drop downs
Hey guys,
I was originally making this suggestion to request the "referred by" field type be converted; but then realized there's several different lists and modules in RS that are using inferior, non-editable, databases.
Specifically, the "referred by" field is hugely important information, as you all know. My list of ways-customers-are-acquired is ever-growing. As of now, I've tried to combine certain referred terms together to make it easier to figure out what we're looking for. However, this is proving more difficult.
I have the perfect solution for how to add/edit/delete these types of terms, and the best part is you're ALREADY using it! It's the same as your inventory items fields! They are amazing, and here's what is to be gained by converting ALL lists in RS to the same type as inventory items:
- Items are searchable by ANY word in the description (ie. I could just type FAMILY and it would pull up the term called CUSTOMER REFERRAL, FRIEND, FAMILY, PREVIOUS CUSTOMER)
- Items are editable and would update existing uses of existing terms (which is a big deal because right now you can only delete a term, which deletes all uses of that in the system, including existing)
- Items are organized (I have no idea why the current system doesn't let you organize by name or specific order - very annoying)
This is a simple conversion request, NOT a new feature. It's so obvious that the way inventory items is great, which is why it's used in the module with the most values in it. Why not start using this "item list" method for EVERYTHING - Ticket problem types, ticket status list, list of product categories, logistics, preferences, etc.
Please let me know if this makes sense. It's a really good idea to make the system more "editable", rather than just deleting and adding stuff all the time.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
Just found this forum post made shortly after this one talking about the same thing, which is now marked as Planned:
Please migrate all votes to the link above.