3762 results found
Make Issue Type an Automation Action
Currently Issue Type is an Automation Condition (trigger).
Would like Issue Type to ALSO be available for an Automation ACTION.
ie. to be able to update the Issue Type based on some condition.3 votes -
Print Automation for Mailing
I know you all are making your OWN Cloud Print... Just had an Ideal for you.
If you would make RS somehow have a check box to allow it to print certain peoples Invoices automatically. I know you have the Reoccuring Mailing Service. But we like to print our own and mail them. It would be Cool if you could have a check box to print a recurring invoice when it is created to a certain printer so that we could get them and mail them ourselves.
Also, for our customers without reoccurring invoices but like for them to be…
3 votes -
Don't discard user input when altering multiple line item fields
G'day guys,
Recently I was writing up quite a number of bullet points on a line item (complex migration service, defining the scope right next to the price to minimise any ambiguity!), when I realised that, oh, I should tack on a few more hours to cover complications.. So I click in the line item's price field and switch it up a couple of hundred.
Unfortunately, changing this secondary field triggered an inescapable page reload, and the hour of work summarising scope in the main item description was lost.
Please implement this very basic browser function if multiple fields are…
3 votes -
Remove PO's in Transit From New PO's
Make it so PO's in transit do not count against new PO's being created.
3 votes -
Create an inventory shrinkage report based on inventory count (beginning) reducing items on invoices and comparing to new inventory counts (only including items counted).
3 votes -
Asset data base
The intake process would be a lot faster if there was data base related to the asset data entry that once you have put in the IMEI or serial number it populates other fields like make, model, color, and other specs of the asset. This would reduce the wait time for a customer waiting in line, would reduce the amount of personnel working at the front desk and would make everything less manual, more automated with less room for error.
3 votes -
Aliases in ticket automation for ticket info
Would be very helpful to be able to pull information from a ticket (Specifically the ticket firing the event) so that we can use that information in the ticket automations we create.
For example, let's say a ticket belongs to a Mr. Johnny Johnerson
Ticket automation says that when a ticket's issue type is set to Software, post to slack.
An alias such as "%customername%" is used when typing the message, but is replaced with Johnny Johnerson when posted to Slack. This would give us the ability to post something like this to Slack.
Name: %customername%…3 votes -
It would be helpful to be able to export customers by location
It would be helpful to be able to export the customer database to CSV by location. We have two physical locations for residential and then we run a commercial division from our HQ location. We have it set up as three separate locations, it would be nice to be able to export ONLY the commercial customers for policy update mailings, and other such things.
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SMS on / Vitelity
Support SMS on Vitelity who uses via XMPP.
Vitelity has unlimited SMS on my plan so changing to Flowroute would be cost prohibitive.
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File Attachments load in full on every ticket refresh
Hi all. We tend to take photos of damaged parts, computers, serial numbers etc and we attach them as files to the corresponding ticket. The issue is that every time we open the ticket, a thumbnail is shown of the JPG, but it is not really a thumbnail. The entire image is downloading and being shown in thumbnail size. This becomes a real (annoying) issue when we have large JPG files, and more than one attached to a ticket. This is further compounded by the fact that these images are not cached, so they are loaded - in full -…
3 votes -
Set Linked Tickets to "Customer Reply" when customer replies to invoice emails
Customer just reply to the last thing they got, when that's an invoice email after a ticket is complete their communication can be lost.
When an invoice is linked to a ticket and a customer replies the status of the ticket should change to "Customer Reply"
Keith3 votes -
Reseller and customer to see ticket at same time
We repair items for resellers and in our case both the reseller and the customer wants to see the tickets.
Basically, our reseller wants to see all their customer tickets while the customers should only be able to see their individual ticket.One way could be an option to add an external ticket-viewer within each ticket, if it would be possible to send an email with ticket-url in view-only mode.
E.g. when editing a ticket a button/field saying "add ticket follower/viewers/customer" or something similar.
Personally don't have the need to add each customer in our database because for us our…
3 votes -
Improvements to the 3rd Party Part Order Module
1) My employees aren't privy to the MY cost of the part (cost), just the CUSTOMER cost (retail). There is no setting to have the Cost field hidden based on Security Groups (like you can for Products and Invoices). Can this feature be added?
2) Unless the Part URL field in filled in, it changes to a transfer. My employees aren't responsible for sourcing the Part URL. So when requesting 3rd party parts, I have them put in the Part Number in that field, or else it will become a transfer. Can you change that field to "Part URL or…
3 votes -
Allow the creation of a new customer when making an appointment
I like the new appointment features, but there is one thing missing.
If it's a new customer and they call on the phone, it would be nice to put in their information when creating the appointment, Name, Email, Phone # so that it would show on my calendar and also send them the appointment with instructions. I know I could set them up as a customer first then create the appointment but to do it all in one flow would be better.
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Make a Time Clock Tab
Make a time clock button on the tab bar. I hate having to log out so someone else can log in, clock in, log out so i can log back in just so the can clock in or out. they should be able to hit the time clock tab enter their pin, clock in or out without having to log in or out of any account.
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Change template tags to no longer be hard-coded along with HTML
Currently there's a number of template tags that are hard-coded to include HTML markup. I encountered this issue while trying to set up a ticket automation.
I wanted relevant ticket information to be posted into our slack channel. To get the initial description of an issue, I used "{{initialcommentbody}}". When the automation was run, it printed something similar to, "<p> This is a test </p>", and there's currently no way to remove the HTML markup from this response (According to support).
I know there are other template tags with the same HTML wrapping, and there's no way to…
3 votes -
Text message warning when low
Reminder/warning when text messages are running low. We were 6 days sending out message and not realising that we had run out.
We didn't get any notification that they weren't sent and only found out when one or two customers complained.3 votes -
Ticket automation suggestions
It would be great if we could use from portal as ticket issue type since it isn't an option that is able to picked but is automatic when created in the portal.
Also it would be great to be able to set the frequency of the automation since it is set to hourly but it would nice to get a daily or weekly automation.
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Prioritize phone numbers to call first
Sometimes I want to list the customer's cell phone number first and on the ticket label, but it will sometimes put the home number first and the ticket label will also have only the home number. I'd like it so I can change the order manually and it remember the order.
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Appointment Summary/title
When i create an appointment from the ticket creation form, can the appointment title/summary on the calender view be altered?
The little icon on the calender shows the customer name and surname, the company and then the ticket title. The ticket title has the info i need to identify the appointment.
My calendar vie basically shows me a whole lot of names unless i highlight each one individually.
makes it useless when over viewing the day or week's schedule.3 votes
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