Aliases in ticket automation for ticket info
Would be very helpful to be able to pull information from a ticket (Specifically the ticket firing the event) so that we can use that information in the ticket automations we create.
For example, let's say a ticket belongs to a Mr. Johnny Johnerson
Ticket automation says that when a ticket's issue type is set to Software, post to slack.
An alias such as "%customername%" is used when typing the message, but is replaced with Johnny Johnerson when posted to Slack. This would give us the ability to post something like this to Slack.
Name: %customername%
Phone: %customerphone%
Issue: %ticketdetails%
Click here for more: %ticketurl%"
and have it auto-populate with the information in the ticket.

Jaydin commented
Was unaware these worked outside of the template. Thank you very much!
AdminDeveloper (Admin, RepairShopr) commented
You can use all the tags available for the ticket template.
Go to /templates/ticket, click 'Edit Ticket Template' and you will see the list.
{{customer_name}}, {{ticket_problem}}, {{ticket_subject}}