File Attachments load in full on every ticket refresh
Hi all. We tend to take photos of damaged parts, computers, serial numbers etc and we attach them as files to the corresponding ticket. The issue is that every time we open the ticket, a thumbnail is shown of the JPG, but it is not really a thumbnail. The entire image is downloading and being shown in thumbnail size. This becomes a real (annoying) issue when we have large JPG files, and more than one attached to a ticket. This is further compounded by the fact that these images are not cached, so they are loaded - in full - every time we open the ticket.
I am working on a job now that has 5 photos attached, which totals 22mb of attachments. So every time I open this ticket, 22mb of data is downloaded. This slows down the user interface quite a bit. Also, we don't have great internet speed at the moment, so 22mb can take a while to load. We love having these photos attached to the jobs, but can the implementation of this be re-thought?