Print Automation for Mailing
I know you all are making your OWN Cloud Print... Just had an Ideal for you.
If you would make RS somehow have a check box to allow it to print certain peoples Invoices automatically. I know you have the Reoccuring Mailing Service. But we like to print our own and mail them. It would be Cool if you could have a check box to print a recurring invoice when it is created to a certain printer so that we could get them and mail them ourselves.
Also, for our customers without reoccurring invoices but like for them to be mailed it would be great to check a box in the customer profile to print an invoice automatically when a new invoice is made for that customer so that it can be mailed.
And while doing this we would like to be able to Mass Print statements for people that have over 30 day invoices to mail too. I don't know if you could go as far as having a auto print statement feature for customers with invoices over 30 days so these could get mailed as well? (on the other note you could make a mass email statements as well since i have seen this requested before as well)
I would like to be able to choose a printer other than our normal printer as sometimes techs using the main printer throw away print outs left on that printer thinking its left over since sometimes we have extra printed items.
All of this would cut down on our paperwork and manual reports as well.
either way just an Ideal.