3762 results found
Title Tabs for ALL pages including Vendors, Employees, etc.
I am regularly accessing all kinds of internal content pages in RS, especially stuff like our Vendor data (we keep everything in RS), employee information, inventory costs/prices/sources, and more. The recent update where all tabs contain the information like Customer Name, Ticket Number, and Invoice Number is SUPER helpful. Can you please upgrade other pages like Vendors and Employees to contain the Vendor Name and Employee Name rather than just saying "Vendors - MyCompanyName" and "Administration - MyCompanyName"?
0 votes -
taxable line items in "Ticket Line Items"
Please remove the check box on the bottom in the "Add/View Charges" window in a ticket.
Instead, either change it to "Not Taxable" or remove it all together and add a check box beside each line item.Reason:
We keep adding custom line items to the ticket charges and neglecting to check the tax button.
The reason we keep forgetting to check it is because in Chrome, when you begin entering a number into the mandatory "Price" field, it drops down a list of suggestions for what you are going to type and the drop down list covers the checkbox.10 votes -
Auto-save in fields after entry
I know there's a save button on a number of fields, but I can't tell you how many times I've lost information I've typed, especially on the invoice section. I'm so used to say, QB Online or other platforms where you just tab over and the field auto saves.
For instance, in the invoice description, when you tab over afterward, then you change qty or price, it's be nice if it auto-commits whatever information has been entered before calculating. Even, for a start, if just prior to recalculating, it committed whatever was in the description, would make our lives much…
12 votes -
ID Verification for Payment by Check
As a business owner check fraud is a big deal. I would like to see repairshopr add a data field to log a customers drivers license ID number when accepting a check as a form of payment. additionally for situations with employees It would be great to have the optional ability (setting) to require this field when taking this method of payment.
4 votesWe don’t have a required field but could you use the Reference field for this (in addition to the check number)?
Integrate employee scheduling
It would be awesome to integrate with an employee scheduling software such as Orbital Shift, or something similar. Then our employees could see there work day for the week/month and even see what repairs are lined up for their work day.
4 votes -
More flexibility for custom fields
Have the ability for custom fields to show up on the main page when entering information for a client as opposed to the additional fields. Maybe that will transfer over to the standard kiosk mode for new leads when a client enters your business.
1 vote -
put new ticket button in create ticket field...
We frequently make tickets back to back. So having to create a ticket, and then go back to the customer and then create another ticket adds more spaces. Having a 'Create Another Ticket' or 'New Ticket' button that is at the TOP of the recently created ticket field would be great. Thus, once one is done making a ticket, they can move right to the next created ticket creation. Thus streamlining the process.
5 votes -
Reminders for more than one person
We would benefit from reminders that can be assigned to more than one person, either everyone or a subset of employees.
We have two people who primarily call customers with updates and so on, and we're currently relying on Skype to communicate that sort of thing.
Having more robust reminders would be great, and there'd be one more application we can ditch in favour of RS.
3 votes -
Leads Show up under all locations
There should be a location selection for big chains that will only show that locations leads.
1 vote -
pre-diagnosed & pre-approved missing in certain areas
The pre-diagnosed and pre-approved options only both show up on the new ticket form. The check and device widget are missing one of them as well as showing in the ticket profile under the customer.
4 votes -
Timeclock needs ability to pull reports
Timeclock needs the ability to pull a set date report to csv and ability to pull a mispunch report for a certain time period.
8 votes -
Purchase order access
For clients with multiple security groups, the purchase order module allows employees to have access to edit all aspects of a PO i.e receiving, removing items, changing the cost, etc. The receiving aspect should be separated so the employees can receive the items on the PO but are unable to edit the purchase order in other ways.
1 vote -
Notifications not efficient for big chain clients
The message notifications should be marked as read or disappear if another employee has already responded to the customer.
The employee should be able to respond or address the issue from the notification or at least be linked to where they need to.
Employees that are assigned to multiple locations in notifications receive all notifications instead of ones that are specific to the store they are logged into.
3 votes -
give an option to change the view of Invoice Manager, I want to see payment method there instead of Ref. Number
Give a way to change the view on the invoice manager. I would like to have payment method there instead of REF NUMBER. If you can already do this... I cannot find it!!!!
1 vote -
Add Birthday Marketing
Would love to be able to send promotional e-mails automatically to customers. During customer creation, have a field to enter in their birthday and on the month of their birthday they can have a special promotion available to only them. These types of things go a long way for small businesses.
8 votes -
Link to invoice created in ticket comments
Currently, there is no way to get to an invoice linked to a ticket from the ticket itself. Is it possible to create a comment (or hidden comment) with a link to the invoice when its created?
We are set up as an MSP shop type, so we don't have the workflow window at the top, middle of the ticket where this would normally show the invoice. (picking the MSP type was the only way to remove the workflow window form the customer portal.)
0 votesRobert Reichner responded
We’ve surfaced the invoice link on tickets for our MSP users!
Customer Alets - for expiration events ?
somewhere there was a video that could use Inventory or custom REMINDERS ??
What I want is the ability to set some custom fields for clients - say Expiration dates (Backup Plan, or Remote RMMSPlans)... and then when it comes near Expiration date it give a pop-up or email reminder ALERT IN ADVANCE (like a early warning - 2 week reminder)
would this happen to be something with Assets ?
is that possible ?
6 votes -
Customer account on Hold status
currently a pop up can be enabled as an alert to give the operator a message when a customer is selected, however occasionally we need to put an account on hold when a customer has either gone over their agreed limit or is not making payments. The account on hold status would ideally prevent a new invoice being created for the offending customer coupled with a warning to the operator.
10 votes -
digital Signature
Suggestion.. . why not add a “click to Sign” for everywhere there is a Digital Signature.
Sure would be better than people using a mouse or not doing it at all !
3 votes -
Custom Fields and Thumbnail icons
sure would be nice if the Thumbnails in the Customer Info could allow for HOVER description for easy reference as to what these icons are associated.
for instance (below) the Search Icon (magnifying glass) indicates Managed Service Plan (custom fields) 0 while the Cloud w/ Up-Arrow indicates Cloud Backup - and the Thumbs-up indicates Malwarebytes Lifetime.
also why not allow the List of Customer Custom Fields show the icon in one of the columns ?
More visible reference would help.
0 votes
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