taxable line items in "Ticket Line Items"
Please remove the check box on the bottom in the "Add/View Charges" window in a ticket.
Instead, either change it to "Not Taxable" or remove it all together and add a check box beside each line item.
We keep adding custom line items to the ticket charges and neglecting to check the tax button.
The reason we keep forgetting to check it is because in Chrome, when you begin entering a number into the mandatory "Price" field, it drops down a list of suggestions for what you are going to type and the drop down list covers the checkbox.
Yakima Generator commented
Not good for tax reports, taxable default, or be able to make it default tax or not
centercityrepairs commented
This is a major issue for us.
gilboy commented
The sales tax reports are pretty much prefunctory as long is this issue isn't addressed.
gilboy commented
We also are having issues with this. Makes it very hard to separate the actual non taxable stuff at the end of the month.
La Shop commented
I Wish to have it Taxed by default as well. thanks.