Michael Miller
My feedback
23 results found
20 votes
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58 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
'Why not just buy x supported platform' could be the answer for literally any request regarding platform compatibility. People have invested in different platforms for different reasons, and they would like software to run on those platforms. This can't be a shock.
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
Mac only shop here. We are a paperless shop, and print out about two invoices a year. But, it would be really nice for labels, which we print all the time. Would be really nice for RepairShopr to have some kind of support for us.
Michael Miller supported this idea ·
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
I'm going to strongly disagree with this. The whole point of submitting features isn't that they respond immediately - which is incredibly unrealistic and would be a massive amount of work. Instead, the community gets to prioritize which ideas are important to them, and staff get to review the most important and active topics as ones that need to be addressed.
I submit ideas all the time. Just because I care about it doesn't mean anyone else does, and if my suggestions don't get any traction, why should RS spend resources on it?
In general, their rate of improvement, updates, and engagement, outstrips most cloud service providers by an order of magnitude. Try getting your suggestions acted on in Quickbooks Online for Office 365, for example.
3 votes
Michael Miller shared this idea ·
19 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
I'm not sure I compute - my techs and I talk back and forth in private all the time - each entry is a new private comment. Is that a problem?
60 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
To piggyback on that, it would be really, really nice to set a typical markup. For example, we markup everything we purchase by the same amount, but much of that isn't in inventory. Having to calculate that for each new time we purchase a special part is fine, but annoying. Being able to just type in the cost and have the % field auto calculate (and be editable) would be amazing.
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
Oh my gosh, yes, me too. Hell, if we can have 'default markup' for that matter that can be unchecked like sales tax, or even just a manual percentage, that would be amazing. My estimates and invoices would go much, much faster!
1 vote
Michael Miller shared this idea ·
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
Amy, the tip for creating a custom field to identify their subscription is a great idea. Brilliant!
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
Just to re-iterate all the truths spoken to here. The icon, or some similar method, for a subscriber is something I forgot to mention earlier, but sounds like a really fantastic idea. It would haven't have to be watchman specific, either - just the ability to say 'hey, these are the customers who are integrated with a service' whether it's Watchman or MaxFocus or Solarwinds would be huge.
Michael Miller supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
Agreed - the integration is awesome to have, but parts of it are a bit opaque - there is a screen where one can re-synchronize the assets (sometimes they don't carry over) but I'm frankly at a loss as to how I stumble on it.
The delete issue is indeed a definite concern as well!
12 votes
Michael Miller supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
This is a big issues for us, actually - we take very detailed, comprehensive notes, but if a client ticket list grows long enough, finding them is extraordinarily difficult. Having 'Search all the things' actually search ticket notes both makes sense and would be massively helpful. Please!
16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
Yeah, this is pretty much why I ignore the due dates now - if I set it high enough, it's way too high, or low enough and it's the end of the week they all blow past the deadline.
84 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
Would love the ability to void invoices as well!
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
I came here to mention the same thing - receiving an email from a new person in an organization means we need to:
1) Open a new tab and create the contact
2) Go back to the lead and reload, in order to properly add the lead as a ticket to the right contact i the organization.Sure would be nice to just say 'add to x organization as a new contact' and be done with it.
Michael Miller supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
I want to add a hearty 'yes!' to this, but for another reason. I frequently have time to respond to tickets in the evening, but really, really don't want customers thinking they can get ahold of me at that hour. It would be awesome to pound out a bunch of communication and then have it send off early the next morning.
17 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
Not surprisingly, I agree. This goes hand in hand with the fact that if you, say, change your business rate you'd have to go and edit each contract as opposed to the default rate set for the client automatically updating with your new desired business price.
Michael Miller supported this idea ·
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
It seems this has been added back!
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
I use this all time time when a ticket was fast; there was no time to start the time log, finish, etc. Being able to type what we did and slap in the minutes is a huge time saver. Please bring this back.
30 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
So, have the ability to assign an asset to an asset. This is a super nifty idea, but might be complicated. Still, I can think of a myriad of ways this would be useful!
Michael Miller supported this idea ·
54 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
All Apple parts vendors struggle with availability - iFixit and PBMedic are sold out as frequently as they are in stock for logic boards, screens, and so forth, particularly for newer models. This is exactly why integrations are so nice, if one place doesn't have what we need we can go ahead and still get it on order with another vendor.
Overall, though, we've had the best luck for Mac parts in terms of deliverability with Beetstech.
Michael Miller shared this idea ·
18 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
Would be killer for us.
Michael Miller supported this idea ·
261 votes
We are seriously considering this, potentially could get looked at closer this summer. Nothing imminent, but we are interested.
January 28th 2016
Michael Miller supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Michael Miller commented
If GSX isn't possible, something along the lines of what Matt suggested would indeed be amazing - being able to plug in a serial number and pull up machine info from Everymac or appleserialnumberinfo would be amazing.
11 votes
Michael Miller supported this idea ·
Or, how about support for FiDO? That would be awesome!