Integrate with BeetsTech for parts
BeetsTech ( ) has become one of our favorite places to get parts for Apple products repairs. iFixit is awesome too, but they are frequently out of stock. The greater availability of high quality parts has been a welcome addition to our stable of suppliers, and being able to do PO's or inventory integration from RepairShopr would save us a huge amount of time.

Blake Horsfall commented
I'd really like this feature.
Adrian Avery-Johnson commented
I would really like this to be added as a feature.
Anonymous commented
This would be awesome if it was integrated. I constantly order from them.
-Tim Herrman (TCRS Circuit)
Anonymous commented
I use BeetsTech for about 90% of my Apple part needs. I absolutely think this is a wonderful idea.
-Chris Urban.
Michael Miller commented
All Apple parts vendors struggle with availability - iFixit and PBMedic are sold out as frequently as they are in stock for logic boards, screens, and so forth, particularly for newer models. This is exactly why integrations are so nice, if one place doesn't have what we need we can go ahead and still get it on order with another vendor.
Overall, though, we've had the best luck for Mac parts in terms of deliverability with Beetstech.
nealtechsa commented
I just searched 4 parts I needed, and a Macbook charger... All were out of stock. Whats up with that? Prices look good, but availability is lacking.
Cody Henderson commented
I'm Cody Henderson and I support this message.
Kyle Silliman commented
I use these guys for all my parts!