Add an option to set due date (x) BUSINESS days after ticket creation
Add an option to set due date (x) BUSINESS days after ticket creation.
This option would bypass the default (x hours until due) default.
Use case: My store is open M-F 9a-6p. We have a 3 business day turn around time. We have tried setting due dates using the automated system but only calculates hours. When we come back in on Monday, the whole system thinks we are behind by 2 days. We could manually set due dates but this would add an extra step where I think it could be avoided.
If this was added, we could start utilizing many tools that we currently can't because we simply must ignore due dates most of the time.
Michael Miller commented
Yeah, this is pretty much why I ignore the due dates now - if I set it high enough, it's way too high, or low enough and it's the end of the week they all blow past the deadline.