3762 results found
Tie invoice number to ticket(s) when batch invoicing
Right now there is no way to cross-reference an invoice when adding charges from a cart (open tickets) using the batch invoice feature.
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Itemized gross amount on invoices
Any chance there could be a column added to estimates to show the itemized gross amount?
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Create a Open Invoice credit limit for customers that we allow to use AR
Create a Open Invoice credit limit for customers that we allow to use AR
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Better reporting for Contracts
Currently there doesn't seem to be any type of profitability report for full service contracts.
For example. How many hours were put toward this contract in any particular month? This would help see how profitable a flat rate contract is.2 votes -
Sales Tax Report with Accrual instead of Cash
I would like to see a version of the Sales Tax Report that is for Accrual based accounting. The reason is that cash accounting for the IT industry is not legal in Canada (and probably many other countries). The report would function the same as the current Sales Tax report it would just show invoices that are dated within the timeframe whether or not they are paid. Thank you.
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Employee Wage Compared to Profitability
We just switched over to this system. So far I really like it, but I would love to compare employee salary vs their net profitability. Right now, I have to figure out how much they make per hour and multiply that by the hours worked and then compare that to how much their net profit is. It's just a lot of work, and other systems I've used have done that for me. It'd be a big help if something like this could be implemented. Hope this makes sense.
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add a field in recurring invoices for Stored Credit Card
When stored credit cards are updated, they do not update on the recurring invoice. It would be very helpful if you could go to the recurring invoices list and there was a field that showed whether a recurring invoice had a stored credit card file selected or not. We have had so many times where someone updated the stored credit card but did not go into the recurring invoice to update the recurring invoice to point to that new card. It would be nice to see from a glance if there are any recurring invoices that are not going to…
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Edit template tags
Currently, there is no way to attach an image to the {{paywithcreditcard}} tag. I would like to match up the {{paywith_paypal}} tag with the credit tag, but plain text does not look good in an otherwise well formatted document. It would be nice if there was an easy way to edit all tags and specify the default image and default text.
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Add Color options for Ticket Worksheets
When you setup ticket worksheets allow a color to be set for specific options. For example if something fails it can be highlighted red
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Bulk export ticket attachments
Attachments are an important part of our ticket information. I would like to be able to bulk export ticket attachments to have a backup of these files.
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Password Pop-Up on Ticket Creation (Force us to take a password for the device)
We often forget to take a password for a customer, especially if a new person is checking them in. It would be nice to get a pop-up to either choose to enter a password (or even just click cancel) at the last step of checking in the device. This password could then be added to the "Private / Technician notes" area for reference.
I thought about just adding the password to the "Network" area or the checkin, but that would print it on the ticket, and that is not good. Thoughts?
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Beta Interface Suggestion
I looked at the new interface. It is looking good.
One note one of my techs pointed out was the missing lines between tickets and customers. On a high contrast monitor, the gray lines are fine, but on lower quality monitors the lines are very important to keep things in focus.
Maybe an option to turn them on and off for people who want?2 votes -
Beta Interface: Ticket Saved Searches
Suggest moving the saved searches drop-down back to an instantly visible/selectable area. Drawing from personal experience, I have a number of saved searches that I utilize to quickly filter down tickets and having to click on the advanced search button first, then select the drop down, feels like an unnecessary step that would be better off as something that can be interacted with outside of the advanced search functions.
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Feedback on new UI beta design.
We use the additional properties of an asset in virtually every ticket. A fast way to view them without opening the asset page would be appreciated.
New ticket page design feels very drab. Not sure if it's the increased amount of background-gray being exposed on the left side or the relative lack of colors, probably both. The little color that remain are noticeably more dark too which doesn't help.
Textbox is only 2 rows which is smaller than the majority of our messages we write, would like ~5-7 rows as default size.
When switching tabs within a ticket the page…
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2 votes
Streamline adding Canned responses
Currently you can click on Canned response and insert a response that is already set up into a ticket. In order to add a new Canned response you have to click on the “modify” link. This takes you out of the ticket you were working on and directs you to the Canned responses in the Admin section.
What I’m suggesting is that the “modify” link should be a button next to the canned response button. The modify link should not take you to the admin section, it should just create a pop out that allows you to add a single…2 votes -
Dynamic Asset Fields
Would like to see dynamic asset fields when managing assets fields and while inputting new assets.
What I mean by dynamic fields is have the fields prompts change as the user makes selections. As an example if I have a computer asset type. When I select the manufacturer the model types will only show that manufactures options base don how I entered the asset fields in the asset management screen. This would basically allow us to use 1 asset type for every single asset since the fields would change based on selections.
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How about an easy way to print or export P & L reports !!!
put a print button on the page...
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interac payment option for customers
interac payment app for customers
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Mark invoice paid when amount due is 0
As of right now invoices are marked paid ONLY at the time a payment is made resulting in a balance of 0. An invoice with existing payments will not be marked as paid when the invoice total is reduced to match the current payments on the invoice after the fact.
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?