Password Pop-Up on Ticket Creation (Force us to take a password for the device)
We often forget to take a password for a customer, especially if a new person is checking them in. It would be nice to get a pop-up to either choose to enter a password (or even just click cancel) at the last step of checking in the device. This password could then be added to the "Private / Technician notes" area for reference.
I thought about just adding the password to the "Network" area or the checkin, but that would print it on the ticket, and that is not good. Thoughts?

Joe commented
I do the same as Jason. In the custom fields for a certain type of device i receive - i require a password or the ticket will not be created.
Jason Miller commented
We do this with custom fields and make them required so you can't continue without putting something in the password field. We also edited our intake form template to have the password print on the paper we tape to the computer so it's easy to get in faster.