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  1. Pending Inventory Order Report

    Recent changes to this report are an improvement however it would be awesome if the pending inventory report included the same information collected on the actual inventory item.

    Currently the pending inventory report shows "requested" which could mean "reorder at" or "desired stock level" or sale of item all of which is confusing. Having all the same data collected from the item would be helpful for ordering and selling.

    I propose that the report include the data from the actual inventory item with the following columns:

    Stock; requested; reorder at; desired stock level; on Purchase Order.

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  2. Enable use of tildes in comments.

    Occasionally I use tildes as shorthand for 'approximately', but when I enter a comment into repairshopr containing a tilde it appears as a dash. Would be nice to have the character read correctly.

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  3. Credit Card Convenience Fee

    As I roll into 2020 and review my previous year, one of my large expenses is credit card processing fees. I've renegotiated my Vantiv contract as well as looked at alternatives. Regardless, I've left over $6,000 on the table in fees.

    I've noted that a lot of my customers and local businesses (restaurants, gift shops, smaller hotels) are all now starting to charge a "Convenience Fee" on credit card transactions to recoup the ever increasing fees that are paid to process the card.

    After a lot of review, there are no Federal restrictions and this is handled on a state…

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  4. Bulk download selected invoices in PDF


    can you add a feature to download multiple selected invoices in PDF?

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  5. Implement confirmation dialogs and notifications when appointments are moved.

    When someone moves an appointment, it would be nice if it would give them a confirmation dialog in the browser to see if they actually want to move it to that time, and if they do it would be nice to get email/slack notifications of this action.

    In fact, I think this functionality is really important, at leas for our operation.

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  6. Use Screen Flow in your videos! :)

    Check this out, think you could use this Screen Flow for the videos you put out every friday, so we can see the actual words better?

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  7. Customize Invoice Template like we want it to be

    Give us the option totally customize the invoice and / or estimate templates like we want. For example, we cannot even choose to use quantity first in the row.

    We want a template that we can customize like we want.

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  8. Add a canned response tag for {{responder_name}}

    We have {{accountname}} which yields the name of the person who owns the RepairShopr business account, we have {{techname}} that yields the name of the tech who originally created the ticket, but what we don't have yet is {{responder_name}} to display the name of the tech who is writing the ticket note/canned response.

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  9. Stop Credit

    Have a function to allow an account to be placed on credit hold until there account is paid upto date.
    Myob had an individual credit limit for each customer and a stop credit function so you can not create a new invoice for that individual customer with a pop up that said this account has been placed on credit hold, This function could be overridden if needed

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  10. Please sort items

    Hello, I made this recommendation a few years ago. Can you please sort the lists better? This is on my customer support request form. It would be much easier for the customers if the issue list was alphabetized!! I'd add a screenshot, but I can't here. I'll assume you know what I'm talking about. It's where the client selects a drop-down to select an issue category.

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  11. Correct bulk payments not giving you all invoices/receipts

    When pushing through bulk payments on the client portal they will only see the first receipt/invoice and they will not have the option to download all the invoices/receipt that payment was applied to.

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  12. Remove facebook like and share button from my Repairshopr page

    On the front page of my Repairshopr account.
    There are Facebook like and share buttons. While I like RepairShopr on facebook, I don't need these buttons (and tracking) on my business page that I'm paying for. Would it be possible to remove this?

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  13. Email Template for New Tickets

    This suggestion was found twice already in other suggestions. Both times the suggestions were marked "Completed" but according to RS Support, this is not possible...??

    In my business I offer a pickup and delivery service for computer repair. When a customer calls, I capture their information and create them as a customer in RS, I then use the button "Create Customer and Ticket".
    When a ticket is created this way, I want my customers to be notified that, in fact, a ticket was JUST opened. This way I can write up the New Ticket Email template to cover things like…

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  14. How complex the manual methods to Exchange recovery compared to EdbMails?

    Firstly I would like to explain to you how you can perform Exchange server recovery with Exchange management shell

    Step 1: Use Get-MailboxStatistics to see the list of all mailboxes in a database. It can also be used to find out the size of the mailbox, a number of messages contained within it as well as the last time it was accessed.
    For Example

    Get-MailboxStatistics –Database<DatabaseIdParameter>

    Step 2: Use the New-MailboxExportRequest cmdlet to export EDB file to PST archive.

    New-MailboxExportRequest [-Mailbox] <MailboxOrMailUserIdParameter> -FilePath <LongPath>
    For Example:

    New-MailboxExportRequest-Mailbox Admin01 –FilePath’’\SERVER03\PSTArchives\Admin01.pst”

    Step 3: To know the status of currently running export requests…

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  15. Line up calendar appointments for each technician into columns

    Can you set it so that each techs appts would be in a single column and not a random column. it would make each one's time availability much easier to see.

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  16. Change appointment times back to 15 minute blocks or give the option to remove minute by minute granularity

    We are now able to set appointments by the minute instead of 1/4 hours. Though maybe some people like this it just adds to the length of time it takes with the customer and is really more of a pain than a help.
    Can you give us the option to change it back so it's in 15 minute increments?

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  17. Ticket address should show on the main schedule screen

    The current schedule screen causes confusion in office and in the field as the primary address is shown for the appointment on the main schedule screen. The main screen should show the "ticket address" instead so that you can properly map out appointments without going into each appointment manually. This would both save time and reduce confusion, without having to change a customer's billing or primary address.

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  18. Allow milestones for tickets.

    This would likely be best as an enhancement to the appointment section of a ticket. This would allow one to set milestones for tickets that are used to track projects. Using multiple tickets is viable, but the ability to change an appointment type to that of a milestone would be awesome. (Or some other method of adding milestones to a single ticket)

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  19. Stop the Ticket Timer When...

    I wish the Ticket Timer would be automatically stopped when the ticket is marked resolved, or the person who owns the ticket logs out for the day.

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  20. Gift Invoice Links for Crowdfunding Payments

    Suggestion to have an option for gift invoices... maybe a box that generates a link that a customer can email to friends or family. When they open the link, it will probably need to include an invoice number, customer's name, amount due, the payment options, a field for the sender's name and email address, and maybe even a message box that the sender can leave a message in the invoice. (No personal information other than that info above.) The family members can then make a payment toward the total amount due. Once a payment is made, the sender's name, payment…

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