Email Template for New Tickets
This suggestion was found twice already in other suggestions. Both times the suggestions were marked "Completed" but according to RS Support, this is not possible...??
In my business I offer a pickup and delivery service for computer repair. When a customer calls, I capture their information and create them as a customer in RS, I then use the button "Create Customer and Ticket".
When a ticket is created this way, I want my customers to be notified that, in fact, a ticket was JUST opened. This way I can write up the New Ticket Email template to cover things like the ticket subject, ticket description, a short description of our responding procedures, our hours, etc..
Having a dedicated template for new ticket emails, as well as a way to automatically fire them when a ticket is opened by a technician will go a LONG way towards managing my customer expectations.
In the previous suggestion Troy stated this could be done with "Ticket Autoresponders" but that seems to only apply to tickets that are created when someone sends an in a helpdesk scenario.

marc commented
Maybe I'm not fully understanding your desire, but we frequently accomplish something similar by creating the customer/ticket as needed, checking the "DON'T EMAIL" button during ticket creation. Then, once I've entered the main ticket details, I then go to the ticket and email a quick message to the customer using the "canned messages" feature. Our normal email template automatically includes text at the beginning of every message that says stuff like "Ticket # 12345 ... Subject: xyz" etc. followed by our message.
It's a one extra step but seems like a pretty quick and painless one. I hope this helps