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  1. Small industry driver round table meeting.

    I know for sure I am out side your typical industry but it actually works well for me. I run a fleet maintenance/auto repair shop. Obviously there are give and takes with it. But if you were to do a small round table like meeting based on industry using one of the screen share meeting sites;, a lot of ideas can be shared in a short amount of time when we dont have to type. Other business and your engineers can see how other customer loop hole, deal with, overcome, certain features, options, situations that arent supplied yet and at…

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  2. purchase order percentage markup tool

    We would like to be able to add the Percentage Markup Tool to the PO Module in the Manual Add item.

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  3. Allow to add the last 1 or 2 ticket entries to an email response to include context

    We have a lot of clients with multiple tickets. When we reply using repairshopr, the lack of ticket history in the email is an issue. I understand you cannot add a mile of backlog, but maybe have an option to include the last one or 2 ticket entries when an email is sent out. This would keep the context of the message in place. Thank you.

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  4. New Ticket email template

    The new email ticket template is great but it would be even better if we could turn it on for all new tickets that are generated. Not just Technician generated on a customers behalf.

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  5. Add Customer in the Group Options

    I would like to view groups based on Customer name

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  6. Add option for PO discount by Value (in addition to the existing discount by Percentage)

    Currently, there is an option within PO Detail to apply a "Discount Percent" to the order. This isn't always the only way discounts are applied, and it would be hugely beneficial to have an option to toggle from percentage discount to dollar amount.

    For example, I'm currently trying to create a PO for an order, and I have an internal credit with my vendor that I've applied. I don't have a good way to say that a $x credit was deducted from the total.

    As a workaround, I've applied a negative value to the "Other Charges" section. Though not the…

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  7. SCHEDULES: Automated Templates from Invoicing “Recurring” Items

    Every single time we ring up a line item for a recurring service, we have to manually create the schedule, recurrence date, fill in a title, set billing settings, etc. This could be fully automated and generate schedules simply from an invoice having said line item added.

    Otherwise, maybe a button to quickly deploy new schedules from a set of templates we can create in advance? The number of clicks we have to repeatedly do, day in and day out, is insane. Some recurring services have required us to manually set them up (with sometimes human error) more than 1000…

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  8. REPORTS: Add “Year over Year” and “Month over Month”

    My friends in other industries show me some of the basic ways they review metrics and set goals. It’s AMAZING how we do not have the ability to get quick insight on how we’re doing - compared to the same day or custom time period of a month or year prior. Please add this!

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  9. Mark invoice as mailed

    Some of my customers do not accept emailed invoices. We have to snail mail these invoices to them. There should be an option where we can check a box or something where it shows a little icon (let's say orange instead of blue) on the invoice page that shows that the invoice has been mailed. That way I can tell at a glance if I've mailed the invoice or not. I'm not looking for a work-around... I want an actual solution built into the system.

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  10. Is it possible to integrate a tax calculator into the software that I can use for accounting and payroll purposes?

    I've found an income tax calculator online that has their API available so I was wondering if there is a way that I can integrate that in with RepairShopr or is that something you would have to do? I would like to have it within the system so I can work out the companies tax for the year as well as employee wages as I do the payroll in house.

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  11. Being able to rearrange credentials for a client

    I'd like to be able to drag the different credentials I have added to a client.
    For example workstation username/passwords, I'd like to keep them together so if I add a router log in and the next day I add another new computer I want to be able to drag the router to the bottom of the list.

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  12. Add Integration for Zoom Meetings

    We use Zoom for remote meetings and screen sharing. It would be great to have a Zoom option in the "Remote Assistance" section of the tickets, and to be able to generate and send the Zoom links via RS. Thanks!

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  13. Pull inventory from another location

    In our shops repair shopr, we have multiple locations for our road guys and our main shops inventory. I would like to request a feature for when adding parts to a ticket in a location that does not have sufficient inventory. When you add the part to the ticket, a pop up would show up and say "Insufficient inventory in this location, pull inventory from another location?" and then it would show inventory in other locations and we could select which location to pull the inventory from instead of having to do a logistics transfer which takes much more time.

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  14. Add the option in Contracts Manager to download in CSV

    To be able to download to CSV would be a simple function to add, but it would be useful as there is no option for notes to be added in contracts Manager.
    Example: when chasing contract renewal.

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  15. ticket custom fields on invoice page

    would be nice to also see the model / serial / ref #, whatever custom fields are set up on ticket, on invoice page.. instead of the need to go back and forth between them two ..

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  16. Comment type and public/private for canned responses.

    Would be nice to have the option for canned responses to be configured as public/private as well as comment type (Diagnosis, Parts Ordered, Parts Arrived,etc).

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  17. Option to deduct prepay hours at ticket level

    Customer is on a contract and has pre-paid hours. A job takes 1 hour and no hardware is supplied, so only 1 pre-paid hour should be deducted. There is no need for an invoice because it would just create a zero charge invoice and that creates paperwork for no reason.

    Have the option to deduct the hours at the ticket level when the hours are 'charged' using a Labour line item.

    This allows for the ticket to be used to track prepay hours usage on both sides - customer and admin.

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  18. Intergrate with DocHub

    It would be really cool to be able to one button export contracts and intake forms to dochub to be sent for electronic signature.

    I beleive there is an API where you could even preplace signature fields and the customers email so one button could send the sign request and then using a webhook import the signed form into the ticket or customer account.

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  19. Statements do not show any payments the customer has made

    When I am sending out statements it only shows outstanding invoices and amounts. Customers need to see all payments displayed also.

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  20. Allow widgets to display ticket worksheets

    It would be great if we could create a widget/weblink for customers, and allow them to fill out the information on a ticket worksheet. For example: A customer wants a new email account created for their new employee. They visit our widget link and fill in their name, email address, AD group, etc. They are required to fill out First, Last and email address, so we don't need to go back and forth with HR to get the information.

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