Gift Invoice Links for Crowdfunding Payments
Suggestion to have an option for gift invoices... maybe a box that generates a link that a customer can email to friends or family. When they open the link, it will probably need to include an invoice number, customer's name, amount due, the payment options, a field for the sender's name and email address, and maybe even a message box that the sender can leave a message in the invoice. (No personal information other than that info above.) The family members can then make a payment toward the total amount due. Once a payment is made, the sender's name, payment amount, and message should be posted on the invoice for record.
I see this as a way to increase sales via crowdfunding a customer's invoice. Eg.-- Family members want to purchase a computer for a relative, so they can share this link and whoever wants to donate can donate, or someone picks out a computer as their Christmas present, and they can then share this link to their family to crowdfund their purchase.
And while the integrated payment portal is nice for a customer's own use, it just shares a little too much information; ticket info, previous payments, stored payment options, etc.