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  2. Employee Sales & Commission Report


    My field techs take payment directly from the client. Sometimes cash, sometimes card. I would like to pull off a report where I can quickly calculate how much money they are owed (which I can do with this report), but also quickly see how much cash they are holding.
    Can you add a column to this report please, which shows how invoice was paid - cash, card etc. I can quickly see how much cash they are holding then and know how much they owe me / i owe them without having to open up and manually total each…

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  3. Aliases in ticket automation for ticket info

    Would be very helpful to be able to pull information from a ticket (Specifically the ticket firing the event) so that we can use that information in the ticket automations we create.

    For example, let's say a ticket belongs to a Mr. Johnny Johnerson

    Ticket automation says that when a ticket's issue type is set to Software, post to slack.

    An alias such as "%customername%" is used when typing the message, but is replaced with Johnny Johnerson when posted to Slack. This would give us the ability to post something like this to Slack.

    "-- NEW TICKET --
    Name: %customername%…

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  4. Global Admin discrete / incognito mode ( to hide business info form plain view)

    As the CEO I need to be a Global admin to manage the business side of things but I also often go into the shop and cover the front desk or whatever needs to be done. The Job of the CEO is to do whatever it takes right..

    The problem I encounter is all the extra data that is viewable on my screens, like revenue over the last 30, 60, 90 days etc.

    It would be nice to have a simple button to click that could toggle all that extra visible stuff on and off so we could be logged…

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  5. Allow customers to upload files through their online profile

    From within their online profile customers can upload files/attachments to be stored in their profile

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  6. Portal setup email

    When I create a portal login for multiple people within an organization, it emails the appropriate user I setup, but in the body of the email, it does not use their name, rather, it uses the company contact. Can you guys fix this to that it user each unique name "Dear XXXX"

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  7. Offer different ways of printing labels for tickets

    Basically, A4 sheets with label cut-outs on them are quite prevalent and obviously more cost efficient than purchasing a label printer, especially early on in a company's life. It'd be handy to be able to specify the layout of your label sheet (or, pre-define it with common layouts) and be able to choose which position to print in (so, you could re-use the one sheet multiple times. This is already used in larger volume inventory management systems and would be extremely useful I think.

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  8. add notes from time log

    When entering time later on a ticket in the View Log area, it would be great to have a check box to put the comments in the Notes area as well.

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  9. have the search bring up the most recent ticket when you type a customers name.

    Just have the search bring up the most recent ticket as you are typing the customers name

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  10. Allow multiple search options

    When in the Invoice or Ticket sections It would be preferable if we could search for a contact name and not just the company name because sometimes I cannot remember the company name when searching for invoices.

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  11. Change template tags to no longer be hard-coded along with HTML

    Currently there's a number of template tags that are hard-coded to include HTML markup. I encountered this issue while trying to set up a ticket automation.

    I wanted relevant ticket information to be posted into our slack channel. To get the initial description of an issue, I used "{{initialcommentbody}}". When the automation was run, it printed something similar to, "<p> This is a test </p>", and there's currently no way to remove the HTML markup from this response (According to support).

    I know there are other template tags with the same HTML wrapping, and there's no way to…

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  12. Customer activity report

    I would like a report that would be able to show the last time we saw a customer and what it was for. This would allow us to customize a email blast for customers that haven't had yearly maintenance done or so we could reach out to customers we haven't seen in a while.

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  13. Send emails to any recipient

    I need to contact third partys while working on a Problem. Like Helpdesk from a computer manufacturer. But i cant change the "to" field in the comment section.

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  14. OpenDNS Umbrella Intergration

    OpenDNS is integrated with AutoTask and Connectwise but it would be awesome to add RS to the list. They were purchased by Cisco I believe so they are an excellent malware and security addition for any MSP.

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  15. Add Customer Reply to Leads

    Currently there is no status for "customer reply" for leads. So if you email a customer and they email you back the status of the lead doesn't change to show there is a reply inside the lead.

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  16. The ability to customise Tab Names and Sitewide CRM Terms

    We are not your typical Repairshopr user (we do not repair tech) but believe most users would find the below a great addition...

    Whilst Repairshopr is highly customisable, there are some Menu Tabs and Terms used within the CRM that you cannot change to be industry / Business / Country specific (which is a shame as it limits the level of personalisation).

    Although some of these changes sound mild, I'm sure all would agree that personalising the tab names to reflect their users and business makes it easier for all staff to use and understand.

    It would be great if…

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  17. Reseller and customer to see ticket at same time

    We repair items for resellers and in our case both the reseller and the customer wants to see the tickets.
    Basically, our reseller wants to see all their customer tickets while the customers should only be able to see their individual ticket.

    One way could be an option to add an external ticket-viewer within each ticket, if it would be possible to send an email with ticket-url in view-only mode.

    E.g. when editing a ticket a button/field saying "add ticket follower/viewers/customer" or something similar.

    Personally don't have the need to add each customer in our database because for us our…

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  18. Recurring Payment Timing

    As we all have may different clients, we would like to see a timing to when the recurring payment should be sent out, some clients want their invoice as early has 5 days to some as 15 days in advance. It helps us to make sure we get paid on time. Thanks!

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  19. exclude only this invoice from marketing

    Many times we get customers who either have a dead unit or decide not to repair their computer.

    Currently to stop the follow up I would have to remove them from getting any marketing follow up at all, that would include different PCs they might bring in for service (yes we have many customers who have more than 1 computer / tablet or cellphone)

    Could you add a check box that would exclude just that invoice from getting marketing followups - instead of removing the customer altogether from getting ANY marketing messages from us??

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  20. Possible to add Quick Tasks function

    This is so we can tag to certain jobs that requiring technicians to return to certain jobs that don't require any billing/invoicing. Thanks.

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