OpenDNS Umbrella Intergration
OpenDNS is integrated with AutoTask and Connectwise but it would be awesome to add RS to the list. They were purchased by Cisco I believe so they are an excellent malware and security addition for any MSP.

Mike commented
Open DNS is a vital part of our layered approach to security! It would be helpful to receive tickets from OpenDNS.
Claude Louis commented
Troy, this is an additional level of protection from malware, extremely helpful to budding MSPs. Not every client has a firewall appliance onsite, and allows for protection to your residential clients, etc.
This can be used as an effective parental control (blacklisting/whitelisting websites by name, type or IP) or value added service for all of the aformentioned. When particular sites are accessed but blocked, it allows the end user to send a request to whitelist. I like this feature as it can be very helpful against some client's worst threats--themselves. :) Seriously though, it's a measure of being proactive and blocks a lot of malware before it has an opportunity to manifest.
A link to the site is here:
As far as integration into RS, if it were simply a reporting tool, it would be helpful to know what threats are blocked.
Josh Allman commented
Content Filtering via DNS and also I think they have agents that can be installed. I've implemented it before, and it has some nice reporting and is a good way to go about doing web filtering/monitoring if you don't have an appliance that can do this for you (or don't like how its done...aka SonicWall).
AdminRajesh Agarwal (Admin, RepairShopr) commented
Can you share/explain more to someone that doesn't know what that product does, what the integration would actually do?