Multiple checklist on a single ticket
We require our techs to go through series of steps for each type of repair, checking them off as they have been completed. This way, we can pick up right where someone left off. This would be a great feature in RepairShopr!

This is out for beta testers!
We won’t have customer service trained on it until next week, and we’ll have the help pages up then too.
Try to hold your questions until next week, but if you want to poke around – it will be on the admin page for beta testers this weekend.
Juliette Dorsett commented
This is fantastic and is going to help my shop run much more efficently, thank you RepairShopr we love it!
Matt Jones commented
Matt Ed commented
Good work Troy. We'll test and feedback soon.
James Scremin commented
This is a critical feature we would require - just in the evaluation stage of RepairShopr at this point, but this type of business process is what drives consistently high standards in an organisation with many staff and locations
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
@Chuck needs to be heavily involved in this project. During my trip to see his shop, his checklists are BY FAR the best I've ever seen. PLEASE use his input and suggestions on this!
Also, please use the time/date stamp and user auditing upon edit as shown here: -
Matt Ed commented
Great to see this has been started. Can I suggest that multiple types of check lists are allowed for different tickets types.
We would need to have a checklist for machines going back to the customer after repair and a different check list for machines that are awaiting QC from a customer purchase for example. We raise tickets for both these tasks and both need different check lists.
Not sure the best way to implement this. Maybe allow a check list to be assigned to a ticket type or status.
Hope this is helpful.
N. B
Matt Ed commented
Love this idea. Would also be great for QC'ing machines so maybe the same checklist to customer purchases.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
Please make sure to integrate user/time/date stamps into the checklists for auditing purposes. It's critical that we be able to see WHO made the check box updates and WHEN they were made. This mock-up would be the perfect example of how to do this:
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
FINALLY! Victory!
r0tten commented
oh man, yes this feature would be great! so many techs like to point the finger at the others when it comes to claiming responsibility for not doing something. i love this idea! …but i'm out of votes :(
steven spink commented
I also use a pre and post-repair checklist to test all functions of a device (smart phones in particular) I created both checklists in the custom fields section of the ticket however when i create a PDF, only the currently selected custom field appears on the PDF. I would like multiple fields to appear on the pdf. I am not sure if the checklist should even be part of the "ticket" or if it could be built into the workflow...when you process the device through diagnostic, the pre-checklist should be required before you are able to move into repairs. And before you can set a ticket as completed, you must complete the post-repair checklist. Hopefully that makes sense to everybody...
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
Some examples of how heavily we're using checklists and how manual the process is: help.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
@Chuck and I have been working heavily on this and have three MAJOR functionality points that make this post of the utmost importance:
TECH USERNAME and DATE/TIME STAMPS for HISTORY AUDITINGThis whole post is really about one thing: ACCOUNTABILITY! Who did this step, when did they do it, who verified it was done, etc. Right now, Chuck and I (and I'm sure others) are going on the "honor system" when it comes to using the "custom fields" in RS. Did the RAM pass the tests? It says yes - but when was that test done, and who takes accountability when that wasn't right? There is no real ability to verify/audit anything in Tickets besides comments. Many times, tech's just fill in fields to make it "look like it's done" - we can't have this.
The answer to this issue is to treat the checklists just like Ticket comments. They need to be time/date stamped, with the user who was logged in, with an audit log to view changes. Then, no one can "point the finger", and we can cover our butts on any issues that arise.
Another issue would be to eliminate the "Save/Cancel" buttons at the bottom of the checklists. First off, the pop-up window always requires scrolling because we have so many steps, and we constantly click the "X" by accident before saving; causing us to lose all changes. Plenty of other fields in RS are "editible in-line" without needing to "pop-out" or "save" or "refresh" (such as ticket status, issue type, and assigned tech). ALL fields should work this way, especially these checklists. You should be able to click once to fill a checkbox, or click once to activate a drop-down menu - saving should automatic as soon as you click off of the field.
With the pop-up window gone, you could replace the button for "Edit Custom Fields" with the option to "View Changes", which would pop-out the audit log for the custom fields (see mock-up here: The audit option would only need to show when a field was changed more than once, but otherwise could show all changes (if it's easier for the devs). This could be a security group option called "Ticket Audit Logs - View", and would do wonders for tracking/reviewing/fixing mistakes and oversights.
With 60+ votes, can we at least get this approved as "Planned" yet?
Sam James commented
This plus an auto generated repair form for the customer to see would be great!
Rob, Smart Service Solutions commented
This would be a great addition to RS.
We currently use a printed job sheet that stays with the phone or iPad this is used to check over the basic functions and to make sure that we record any damage to the product in a pictorial format. We currently have 12 checks that are undertaken by the receptionist these are simple checks.
It would be very nice to add these to the at the time of booking so that it was printed on the customers receipt and again as others have stated it would be nice to display the engineers checks after the repair. -
Adam Fischer commented
+1 to this!! Bulleted lists or especially check boxes would be EXTREMELY helpful for us in the tickets section.
ALSO- would there be any way to temporarily AUTO-SAVE text that's been entered into a text box, such as a ticket, in case of accidental navigation away from the page (i.e. hitting backspace and having the browser interpret as a BACK command, loading the previous page and deleting anything you've typed into RepairShopr)?
Brian commented
Another thought that may be easier to integrate, for the time being, though it only addresses half the issue and does not address the portion of knowing where a tech left off; utilize the already integrated wiki for contacts to a wiki for a service, so when you attach a service that is a common service a tech can view a wiki page associated to notes specific to that service. Part of that is better than just a check list, because you can reference specific steps that may be custom to your organization's process.
Internally at our organization we have a customer wiki and an internal wiki for processes we us, and it would be streamlined if within RSr they could simply view the custom steps for that service from within the same platform. IE remote managed AV. Wiki would have our download location, custom install steps, remote admin setup info...
Matt commented
+1. Sounds like a bunch of folks (including me) are looking for a way to check off tasks as they proceed through them, i.e. for diagnostics or any standardized procedure. At the same time, each shop will no doubt want to customize that checklist to their particular workflow. Although there are different thoughts on how to build this, I think we can agree that:
a) it would be nice to store this kind of task progress within RS tickets instead of another, separate system
b) a feature like this, no matter how it's implemented, is sorely missed at the momentI for one see an opportunity to expand the functionality of Custom Fields, particularly for Tickets. I would like the ability to have multiple sets of Ticket Custom Fields that can be organized and nested in a hierarchy using taxonomies (for an example, see Drupal taxonomies). This would provide a ton of flexibility for each shop (addressing many of the points Ryan and others have raised) without RS having to create another custom module from scratch for a specific purpose that might not fit everyone's needs.
Chuckles (Instigator, RS User) commented
@Ryan - Glad to see this reopened by someone besides you and I as the previous request was closed. Maybe someday this will be a reality *cough cough* @RS Team - :)
Chuckles (Instigator, RS User) commented
We've been super happy with our alternative method until RS steps up and accepts that checklists are a MUST HAVE for repairs. Not only do checklists standardize processes but they also allow for inspection when needed. Inspection = Accountability.
Here is what we do currently.
1. We have a digital checklist for our common repairs (Stress Test and Rebuild, Adware Removal, Maintenance packages, etc...). The digital checklist is created with FoxitPDF editor (around $100).
2. All of our repairs are done through Screen Connect (our remote support tool) regardless of whether the computer is instore or not.
3. We then transfer the digital checklist to the clients desktop. We then rename the checklist to the ticket number associated in RS. (1 click, about 10 seconds max with transfer and rename).
4. We then transfer a program called hotkeyP to the clients machine. This software is portable and allows us to use hotkey shortcuts to transfer employee names with date stamps to our editable pdf. This program takes about 30 seconds to configure and about 10 second to remove once the repair is completed.
5. Once the repair is completed, the pdf (renamed to the ticket number) is then transferred to the Ticket as an attachment.
6. As we all know, physical paperwork is still required for repairs such as diagnostics, hardware installs, os installs, data backups, client checkins, and sales paperwork. We have a pre-digial checklist that is used prior to the work that can't be completed remotely. We then take all the physical paperwork that has been written/marked up and scan to a network "scans" folder. We use a Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500 for this task. SUPER FAST AND AWESOME. Scanning 10 pages takes about 5 seconds.
Note: We've tried digital checkins through RS but have found them to be too seem slow. We also feel that they lack the detailed info that we require for recommendations and proper documentation. Our clients do much better with paperwork and clipboards for this phase. As mentioned earlier, at the end of the repair we digitize all paperwork and attach to the ticket for reference.
7. We have a designated staff member that is in charge of keeping this folder clean. They open the scans and rename to the ticket number. They then attach the scan to the helpdesk ticket. Takes about 10 seconds per scan for the team member to rename and attach to the ticket.
8. Now... We have start to finish story. The digital checklist for in-os repairs and a scan of all physical paperwork for checkin and repairs done outside of an OS. It works wonders for accountability and CYA when dealing with upset clients.
A balance between the digital and real world is a must for us to maximize our efficiency... :)
Peace dude!