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  1. Be able to "Collapse" a Status...

    We group our tickets by status, For example "awaiting repair" or "estimate sent" or "courier arranged" etc etc. We are finding that when you have 30+ tickets open it can get quite busy visually. It would be great if you could "collapse" a status so the tickets in the status are collapsed and appear under the status as they currently do only once you select the status...does this make sense?

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  2. Post CID Comment for Incoming/Outgoing Calls to ALL Tickets and Customers

    The automatic CID comments built into RS is one of the most powerful and useful features from a communication stance. The only issue is it doesn't work properly under certain conditions:

    1. If a customer has multiple Tickets open, CID comments only post to the NEWEST open Ticket. Generally, when a customer calls in, they discuss any/all Tickets that are open. Therefore, we need to have the call information posted in ALL Tickets that are open at the time of the call.

    2. If multiple customers share the same phone number, only ONE of the customers has CID comments posted to their…

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  3. Freeagent API integration for UK

    I recently took some time out to look at Xero integration with RS and although it worked it did not allow me to reconcile Paypal automatically, Freeagent does this, but does not work with RS, so I was no better off.
    There are a lot of people in the UK that use freeagent, I bet some are IT companies, I know this was refused in 2015 but i would like to raise the idea of API integration again, at present we have to manually reconcile all of our invoices when raised in RS a major pain.

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  4. Vin Explosion

    How about adding vin explosion for autoshops. Even as a payable option, there many option for api's

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  5. Prepay hours usage report for customers

    My business customers are constantly requesting the ability to view a report that shows how their prepay hours were applied.

    Bare minimum info to include:
    Invoice number
    Hours added or subtracted to account (and a running balance maybe?)

    All of this data is available but in fragmented parts and it is not available to be seen or sent to the customer in a report form. Currently I have to compile all the data from individual invoices manually into a spreadsheet. Please help.

    Date, Invoice #, Hours used (or added), running total

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  6. Have a Column for Description on the Purchase order Tab.

    Its really hard to figure out which order your parts come from when your package doesnt have the vendors name on it. I have to click on each order to see if thats it. Also I could then search for a part on the purchase order tab to see when and where I purchased from last.

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  7. MORE Automatic Comments inside Tickets - ALL Actions/Events need an Audit Trail

    I think almost everyone understands that Tickets are truly the "container" of the majority of information/events in RS. They link together all communication, estimates, invoices, appointments, payments, forms, etc. The issue is that there is lots of missing change details inside Tickets that could/should be added by the RS app AUTOMATICALLY. Sure, techs could be responsible for adding every little update, but we all know that anything that can be automated - should be automated.

    Here are examples of AWESOME automatic private ticket comment posts already created by RS:
    -Estimate approvals (including on behalf of conversions)
    -Inbound phone calls from…

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  8. Allow quantity adjustment on entered/posted line item

    Once we enter a line item under "View / Add Charges on Ticket", we are unable to adjust the quantity. At times we will need to adjust the quantity after the line item after it has been entered, or if we make a mistake. As of now, it looks like the only way to do this is to copy the description charge, delete the entry and add a new one. That is lots of work for a minor adjustment.

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  9. Ticket Comment Area REVAMP - Seriously time for WYSIWYG - WE NEED THIS

    This is an essential update to RS. This seems to be common among helpdesk systems. Let's get RS on the same page~

    Updates that would be awesome...

    1. Ability to CC other emails from the helpdesk easily. CC'd email replies are inserted into the ticket when replied just like a normal reply. Similar to the revamp in the Leads response window.

    2. Combine the hidden and public comment boxes. Add a checkbox to make the comment hidden when needed. WAY BETTER.

    3. Allow for WYSIWYG functions such as text formatting, table insertion, hyperlinks, etc...

    4. Ability to insert a company signature based on user…

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    under review  ·  Rajesh Agarwal responded

    This is totally a no-brainer, except, there are tons of implications. If we allow some HTML, what is the subset? Most of the formatting stuff? colors?

    Once colors and sizing is allowed, does that carry through to the mobile view, to the template system?

    It would take 5 minutes to put a wysiwyg on the ticket comment – but much much more consideration to do it really well in all the places ticket comments show up.

    Keep voting and commenting..

  10. SECURE vault for confidential data retentions

    customer; passwords, CC info, activation keys, product keys, etc.

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  11. Automatically import a Toggl time

    There should be a way to automatically import a Toggle time into tickets as soon as the timer has been created. I find the biggest challenge with this is remembering to open the ticked and clicking the Toggl Import button. Otherwise the Toggle Timer App works great for on-site jobs!

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  12. Default Tax items

    When creating new items, either in ticket charges, inventory, invoices, or estimates, please have the option to have the item automatically created with tax

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  13. Ticket update subject default action

    It would be really nice if there was a way to change the default update subject on tickets to something else.

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  14. Ticket Type (custom field) on Leads

    Now that the Custom Field / Ticket Type is required for creating a ticket, It make sense for it to be add the Custom Field drop down to the Leads processing page.

    Currently when creating a ticket from a lead, there isn't a way to specify ticket type.
    Also, there is no check box in the "Ticket type" drop down on the tickets page for tickets without a type set.
    This means, that all of our saved searches that specify a ticket type will omit anything that doesn't have a ticket type (eg all the leads that have been turned…

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  15. Low Inventory Report/Email

    We have multiple locations and the low inventory report sends an email which includes all low inventory items regardless of location.

    So can I suggest that the low inventory report is location specific? It would also be useful to get this report send to different email address per location. So Location 1 low stock report goes to location1@ and location 2 low stock to location2@.

    Another problem we have is items that we only sell once i.e refurbished laptops etc they all show up on this report but we're never going to re-order this item. Is there a way to…

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  16. Improve the Purchase Order system

    The Purchase Order system is only half finished to really make it useful it should generate sequential PO numbers which we would send to our suppliers, then we should be able to track it for goods arrival and checking off the delivered goods. Then depending upon our supplier terms it should track the payment due date and allow for entering payment details when paid. Then similar to the sales synch with QuickBooks it should update all the order and payment details within QuickBooks, so alleviating tiresome repetitive entries.

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    started  ·  Rajesh Agarwal responded

    Hey everyone – we have added the “Sync to QuickBooks Online” bit for beta_testers, if you are not a beta tester currently, you will get this feature in a couple weeks. We are not accepting new beta testers at this time.

    For those of you that are beta testers, please visit QuickBooks settings in RepairShopr and select your Accounts Payable account for PO’s to sync to in QB and let us know here in the comments what feedback you have for it!


  17. UPGRADE to the PROGRESS PANEL on Tickets to show any DEPOSIT and/or PAYMENT

    We heavily use the “Progress” panel (on tickets) to see where we’re at on a job. But two big things are missing: who’s the tech that did that step (diagnosis, invoiced, etc) and was there a deposit and/or payment taken? We’re constantly having to scroll down just to reference the tech who made a specific comment. And, we take deposits on repair work, which is about 75% of our tickets, so it would be nice to see a Deposit bar on the Progress panel, too. I’ve made some simple additions to the Progress panel that I think would really help…

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    planned  ·  Rajesh Agarwal responded

    I like it! Thanks Ryan :)

    Probably a couple months out, we have some big stuff coming for PO, RMA, stock check, etc etc coming first

  18. On the Ticket Dashboard, allow certain ticket status's to be hidden

    We have some customer status's (such as "X| INVOICED") for tickets where a payment has not been taken and have been granted 30 day invoice, but we want to keep separate from the "Invoiced" status so they stand out to us in other areas.
    We're wanting to use the Dashboard now, but all of these custom status tickets show up in it - which in our case they are completed tickets and don't want to be shown in the Ticket Dashboard view.
    A simple dropdown with tickboxes next to each status (like in the standard ticket list view search) would…

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  19. Dymo Address labels for Customer for Sending

    I want to be able to Print a Address label using my dymo directly from the customers job so i can courier device to customer directly from Repairshopr

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  20. 3CX Integration

    3CX is becoming quite a widely used PBX, to have integration for call logs etc would be great.

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