Default Tax items
When creating new items, either in ticket charges, inventory, invoices, or estimates, please have the option to have the item automatically created with tax
mel commented
this is really important as I am finding many invoices have been accidently put as non taxable. Being in the UK, ALL our invoices need to be taxable.
Paul Schwegler commented
Yes, this is SO annoying. Every quarter we have a few items that missed taxes and then we have to go back and basically give up 6% profit to pay sales tax we didn't collect. Tax should default to YES and get overridden if the CLIENT is marked as non-taxable.
JT Wagner commented
Yes, please add this feature. It should not be a complex change and can preserve both revenue and lost time due to common simple mistake.
Ben commented
Also, applying customer credit should be defaulted to taxable. If the customer's account field says no tax, then it will auto change it to nontaxable. Same goes for all inventory, line items, invoices, etc. This will help eliminate a lot of future headaches when it comes to taxes.