MORE Automatic Comments inside Tickets - ALL Actions/Events need an Audit Trail
I think almost everyone understands that Tickets are truly the "container" of the majority of information/events in RS. They link together all communication, estimates, invoices, appointments, payments, forms, etc. The issue is that there is lots of missing change details inside Tickets that could/should be added by the RS app AUTOMATICALLY. Sure, techs could be responsible for adding every little update, but we all know that anything that can be automated - should be automated.
Here are examples of AWESOME automatic private ticket comment posts already created by RS:
-Estimate approvals (including on behalf of conversions)
-Inbound phone calls from customers (with their CID)
-Outbound phone calls from techs (with the DID dialed - using custom code)
These are just a few examples of additional information we would love for the RS app to automatically post as a Ticket comment:
-If ticket details (title, pre-approved, issue type, etc) are updated
-If a deposit is added/changed/removed
-If an appointment is added/changed/removed
-If a parts order is added/changed/removed
-If one ticket is merged into another ticket
-When invoices and estimates get emailed to the customer (HUGE accountability issue)
-When payment is taken for an invoice attached to the ticket
-If a customers email address was updated while a ticket was open (or add audit log to customers)
-If a comment is deleted (convert it to a strike-through comment so we can see that it WAS there and then got deleted)
All of these events are useful information we can use to stay more in-the-know. No need to look around other places in the customer's profile for related details, or having to ask the tech who was working on the job! Just look at the Ticket and you can see ANY/ALL related details that happened during that Ticket's lifetime :)
@Troy: There's even more than just these events we would love to see attached to tickets automatically. I can see how you might think it will make tickets cluttered/longer. If that's a worry for you, an alternative would be to add "enable/disable" options for these options in Ticket Settings. Please make this happen; it would help us with accountability/auditing SO much! :)