browser tab headings
when opening a tab in the browser in repair shopr the tab should have a title. For example if i open a ticket the ticket tab that just opened should have a title with the customers name on it. This is handy when working with multiple tickets as it allows us to arrange tickets in order of priority.
This is live!
Douglas Bradshaw commented
I know this is marked as complete, but I think we need a bit more customization here.
Currently it has the ticket number and them my company name.would love to customize to show ticket number then the name of the customer. -
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
I think @ Logan is right. This is working for the first part of the tab (shows the ticket number, estimate number, or invoice number) but is follow by "Company Name" instead of some other supporting information (like customer name). Maybe replace our company name (we know what company we work for) with the customer's name or customer's company?
Out of a Jam Solutions - Logan commented
How is this enabled? I have exactly this request, and it seems that you think it has been resolved, but I still see {ticket number} | {our company name}. I would love to see [{ticket number} or better yet, just "RS"] | {client name}
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
I believe this is live! Thanks!
Now return our votes and mark something else as Planned :) -
Matt Ed commented
This would make me happy to... If you're working on an invoice the invoice number should show, if you're in a ticket the ticket number etc etc etc....
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
Excited to see this roll out. Now more than ever, I'm sometimes working with 20+ tabs and it's pretty useless in Windows when hovering over the icon on the taskbar, getting a list where every tab is named "Company Name - Google Chrome", lol. Planned for over a year now...
Russell commented
Had the same idea and got pointed to this suggestion. Would be very handy when working with multiple jobs as you can see each customer's tab instantly without having to go into each one to find the job you're looking for.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
I love when I think of an idea and it's already in "planned" status, almost as much as when it's "in progress".
My addition to this is to remove the "Company Name" from the title of the browser tab. Yes, I know what my company name is! But that doesn't properly identify that tab, especially when tons of other webpages list our company name in them...
Not sure the best way to title different types of pages in the app. Maybe just "Customer Name - Estimate 140546" or "Customer Name - Ticket 141554" and "Purchase Order SVE-20140813", etc.
Thai Lim commented
Hi Guys, just wanted to followup on this idea. Its been a while.
Thai Lim commented
Hi Guys, just wanted to followup on this idea. Its been a while.