IT Glue integration
IT Glue integration?

We shipped this to everyone today as part of our new MSP Add On.
This gives you a whole suite of new tools specifically geared toward MSPs.
You can read more about the Add On here:
Clive Sanham commented
Feel like I have bought a pig in a poke here, Repairshoppr -> itGlue integration? NOTHING syncs to itGlue :-( Nada, Nothing. Organisations in Continuum RMM have synced back to RS through itGlue and I have the opportunity to match them to an RS customer, however, atm it is looking like I will have to match all 900 RS customers with itGlue manually by assett (if set)? Surely not? Please help before the whole lot goes in the bin.
David Lawrence commented
so....after all this time, now its here, and...its a paid add on? per user ? and it still doesn't sync contacts or non-RMM assets. so if we have an RMM that already syncs to ITGlue, all it looks like the ITGlue (as part of the MSP Addon) gets us is a link in RepairShopr back to the ITGlue asset. wheeeeee :/
David Lawrence commented
"stay tuned - hopefully next few weeks there will be an announcement" January? We're on 5 months now.
tom commented
Any update on this? I've been missing this since the move from Autotask...
AJ Lyall commented
Any more news on this?!?! Would really be a big quality of life change!
Jamie A commented
!!!!!! :)
AdminRajesh Agarwal (Admin, RepairShopr) commented
Our ITGlue integration will be coming very soon to RS! Part of a bigger package of things that includes a bunch of the more MSP focused features we've been bringing to Syncro. Stay tuned - hopefully next few weeks there will be an announcement. Just wrapping up some details.
David Lawrence commented
+1 to what Crosby said.
Crosby Loggins commented
Hey Troy, one question here - we realized that Syncro already integrates with IT Glue, so obviously the APIs are there.
Of course ITG is syncing with Syncro more from the "ITG+RMM" angle, rather than "ITG+PSA", but regardless it would stand to reason that most of the code would already exist for Organization and Asset sync?
Despite Syncro being oriented toward MSPs, we are integrated with other RMM tools and really fit best with RepairShopr as our PSA.
Is this any closer by any stroke of luck? Thanks for the consideration.
Douglas Bradshaw commented
Just started using ITGlue and it is amazing. would very much like to see account info and contacts sync from RS
Crosby Loggins commented
I've heard rumors this may finally be in the works?! Is there any movement that you can report?? This would be absolutely fantastic, and would significantly boost your platform's value IMO with what has become the premiere documentation platform for MSPs. Please consider it! Thanks!!
Jason Miller commented
Looking at IT Glue and will be pulling the trigger for it soon... Would love to have this integration!
glenn commented
Just signed up for IT Glue and am trying to decide what PSA to go with. Integration is definitely a key plus. Also using Addigy and asked them to integrate with you too. :-)
Matt Weaver commented
If this integration was there, I'd literally sign up right now. We're heavily integrated in IT glue and I like the looks of RepairShopr, but syncing with glue is an absolute requirement.
Tyler Petrucci commented
We would rather see the built-in RS wiki get some development, as well as SECURITY. In other words, hook that password vault up! Each customer has their own wiki page, and on the customer page you add a tab at the top next to Contacts, History, etc. for Wiki.
It would be nice to be able to upload documents straight to the wiki as well. If you could add template based tabes to the wiki, even better.
Computer Pro Inc commented
I know there is a wiki, but if there was a powerful module like IT glue it would make Repairshopr the undisputed king of the hill!
The strength in IT Glue or the (glue part) as they call it is the fact that you can 'tag' or 'relate' things to each other for super quick lookups etc.
Given the popularity of platforms like IT Glue I think if a product like RS had it integrated it would definitely be unique and put it well ahead of the competition.
Of if building a similar integrated module is out of the question then at least integrate the ITG product would be the next best thing for sure!
apiercy commented
Having it sync clients and contacts so they only need to be input into repairshopr and then they sync into ITGlue would be wonderful
Cody commented
Yes please! We're constantly in both systems. Integration would be PHENOMENAL!
Christopher Moore commented
I agree with the rest....PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE work on IT GLue integration. Is it on the roadmap?
Mike commented
do it!