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  1. Custom "Signature Forms" for additional Agreements, Waivers, Authorization Forms, etc.

    I'm not doing thorough explanations or mock-ups anymore. Basically a way for users to setup custom terms and conditions, similar to the built-in default “Intake Form” for things like:

    Managed services contract and conditions
    Recurring credit card billing agreements
    Third-party services authorization form
    Equipment trade-in signature paperwork

    I know just about every shop is still using paper for at least a few documents. For shops like mine, this amounting to literally hundreds (some months just over 1,000 for us) of papers that are manually tracked/organized. I know ideally all of these docs would be uploaded to RS, but that takes…

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    under review  ·  Rajesh Agarwal responded

    We were prepping to start this and realized the narrow-scope version we were willing to commit to would just make most people upset that we “built it half way” – but we aren’t in a position to compete with docusign/etc and spend a year building a proper solution.

    We could more easily help make a zapier/webmerge solution work if you wanted some automation, if we get a lot of feedback supporting that idea I’ll make it happen pretty quickly.

  2. Tech First Name

    Could we have the option to show Tech first name, on ticket comment emails, its less formal!

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  3. add print customer label from invoices

    it would be very handy if you could add a "print customer label" on invoices page for times we just create an invoice instead of tickets so we don't have to go back and forth on customers page and their invoice

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  4. Recurring ticket that creates a scheduled appointment with date selection.

    example 2nd monday of every month 9am 2 hour duration. for recurring onsite appts. This would include same appointment owner and attendees etc. basically a clone.

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  5. Print a parts list from a Bundle

    It would be good to be able to PDF and print the list of parts in a bundle, this would help my guys when picking the parts to build a bundle item.

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  6. etech parts

    eTech Parts Plus, LLC is a great source of high quality parts and great pricings. It would be great to have an integration with their catalog.

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  7. Being able to check for an average ticket sale, and have it broken down by day/month/year/location

    I want to know what our average ticket sale is, and would love to be able to know which technician has the highest ticket sales. This way I could offer incentives to my employees and it brings in more money. Anybody else agree?

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  8. hide any fields that you do not need/use on the screen once they are disabled to make it look less busy.

    Is work pre approved to proceed, or pre-diagnosed, appointments. I'm sure lots of computer shops don't use every feature. The feature may be great but just not needed by certain shops. It would be nice to just hide things we don't use or need.

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  9. Stock Take Issue

    I can not assign stock take to employees without giving them full access to settings and other things, as of now inorder for my employees to do stock take i have to a) be in the store and start the stock take and switch over to there profile for them to complete or be give them full admin access to the stock take which defeats the purpose of the security groups of stock take list reconcile and edit because a smart employee could go in and mark those because they now have full access. What need to happen, a) stock…

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  10. File upload option for the embedded code

    A good option to add for the Check Ins Embed Code is file upload so that the client can upload a snapshot of the device or screen snapshot.

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  11. customizable bar code/ticket labels

    make the printable bar code labels customizable, that is a huge reason why we are switching to this program

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  12. SMS Gateway API to send/receive directly from android phone

    SMS Gateway API is a service that allows you to send and received messages programmically from your android phone

    It would be awesome if this could be integrated into Repairshopr. We would be able to send/receive sms directly from our android phone.
    This would simplify things greatly and the client would receive the sms from our caller ID. Great for those of us in Australia and other countries that need to use US gateway services through Repairshopr.

    What do you think of this idea?

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  13. integrate Skype

    Conect skype withe RS so all calls create a log and pops the customer info

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  14. Offer a feature to create a statement for a customer based on invoices within a certain time period (last month, last year).

    We've been asked by customers to provide a statement of their spendings for last year, and could not find a way to create a report that would show the info in a statement form. The only way to do it is to create a report with a complete invoice dump, and then use the relevant details for the specific customer (a bit too long of a process..)

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  15. Integrate with Square for Payments on PC

    Hi guys! So I don't know how they do it, but I want to point out [FILTERED_WEBSITE] has figured out how to use Square as their payment processor. Even from their website.

    I'm sure I can't be the only one that likes the "Instant Cash" feature that Square offers. It's helpful when I charge a client to order equipment. I also just really like using Square over the other processors.

    Anyway, if we could get this figured out that would be great.

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  16. Reports

    Please create a report that shows list all tickets of a specifc customer..i

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  17. More then 2 Price tiers

    Would like to be able to add more then just a Wholesale and Retail price. We currently have Wholesale, B2B and Retail. I'm sure other customers could benefit with even more tiers.

    Our old inventory pricing system was actually really powerful and I would be more then happy to share how it is constructed if you contact me direct. It would answer a lot of the automated pricing markup questions in feedback as well.

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  18. Show scheduled appointments for each Client on the Ticket Summary page

    It would be very useful on the Ticket Summary Page to show any scheduled appointments for each Client. this could be simply an additional column with the appointment date.

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  19. provide the option to set if prices are VAT inclusive or exclusive

    All the invoices are calculated as inc VAT but I want ex VAT. Is that possible?
    i.e. if I put £1000 as the cost of the repair then I want the invoice to be £1000 + VAT (£1,200 total).

    At the moment if I put £1000 in it changes it to £833.33 + VAT (£1,000 total)

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  20. Stock Take - A more efficient way to do it

    We use a hand held barcode scanner with storage capacity to do stocktakes. For example I can walk around the store scan items and counts into the device, then upload the count, when I the count is complete.

    Would you be able to provide this feature in Repair Shopr as this would dramatically reduce the time and effort required to do a stock take.

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