Automated ticket response
Depending on a particular ticket status it would be more than helpful to prompt a user for a response.
For example; Customer has an issue with their PC. We respond and advise them on the solution/give support. We then tend to change the ticket status to "Waiting on customer". If we do not hear back from the customer within X period of time it would be great if an automated reminder is sent via email to prompt the user for an update.

Look on the Admin page for Ticket Automations
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
Just starting to play around with ticket automations (great future!) and I'm wondering if there's a trigger I can't seem to find. We'd like to override the time settings for "stale" tickets on our ticket dashboard. Is there a way we can trigger to change the color of the ticket "blocks" on our dashboard, without modifying the status of the ticket? (We don't want to add more unnecessary statuses just to assign them a different color.)
Basically, we'd like to make it so that tickets marked as "invoiced" for more than seven days automatically:
1. Email a reminder response to the customer.
2. Change the color of the ticket "block" to red, so that we see it on our dashboard and reach out to them with a phone call.We have these time conditions set up in the ticket dashboard settings, where it should turn red after 168 hours; but for some reason it doesn't appear to be working? If this is possible, we'd actually prefer to set up ALL timer rules for the dashboard using ticket automations, instead of the limited time conditions in the ticket dashboard settings.
Maybe this could be done just by adding an "action" to take it automations called "change ticket dashboard color". Then maybe just an option in the dashboard settings of "do not enforce any time triggers" to override the dashboard controls with ticket automations.
Matt commented
Including the ticket number/link would make this feature really helpful
Rob commented
I've been using the automation engine to deal with this exact issue. Initially we haven't had these emails go out to the customer, instead we've had structured the stale ticket notifications to go to the owner of the ticket after 48 hours of no updates to the ticket.
The email notification tells the ticket owner to do something. Reach out to the client, used a canned response, whatever gets you groovin.
This will repeat every single 48 hours that the ticket DOES NOT GET UPDATED while still in Waiting on Customer. This is not to be confused with it firing every 48 hours while in Waiting on Customer. If the ticket is being updated along the way while still in Waiting on Customer, this does not fire.
For this use case, it has been working out well. I've spoken to the RepairShopr team and there are tentative plans to put a controllable counter on this. It would be beautiful if we could change the logic once the counter is hit, like automatically close the ticket and then kick off an email to the customer saying so.
Justin commented
Will we have the ability to use tags in the custom emails for say ticket number or customer etc?
August commented
Would it be possible to have something like a hashtag or @ trigger something like a change of due date or ticket status?
August commented
I would like to see some options that would trigger a comment when a payment is made on an invoice. It would also be really awesome to tag a specific user and have that show up in their notifications or emails. The idea is that you can @ someone in a comment so they are alerted to something needing action on their part.
Amit Mehta commented
I created a rule for tickets with "testing" in the subject, but did not receive the email that should have come through. Is there a way to see if it bounced? The Automation Event was fired and logged in Next Run Tickets
Sergio Nora commented
actually if one customer does not answer a ticket, the ticket stay open forever, why don't have some automated rules for this ?
For example, if a customer does not answer after x days, close the ticket and send an email.