Call log in tickets
I'd like to see a call log option inside of the tickets area. The call log has saved our bacon several times but as far as I know, we can only see it inside of "Customers." It would save our techs a step if they are inside of the ticket already (calling on a diag or update or something) to just be able to do it from there.

We are going to put ticket comments in the communication log, hopefully that helps this one. Let us know if you really want the new manual log entry after this..
Garrett Biebinger commented
Troy was this completed? So far I haven't been able to get it to work. When updating a ticket with a customer response it is still not updating in their communication log. . .
Steve Putnam commented
any progress on this???
Brice Widener commented
Will the communications log ever be available on the android app? This would be of help also.
James White commented
Good progress on this, how could we enable outbound call logs and also call log notes?
If Twilio integration was possible, so would all of that functionality.
Garrett Biebinger commented
I completely agree with this idea. Plus 3 votes from me.
AdminRajesh Agarwal (Admin, RepairShopr) commented
Why can't they put a comment on the ticket ie; "Thanks for the call, to recap..."
Phil Barnfield commented
I have to agree here with John. Somewhere near the top of ticket, perhaps where the Customer details are. Simple Buttons, ANSWERED, LEFT VOICEMAIL, NO ANSWER and then a small text area where we can add additional notes.
Then at the back end on the logs, it additionally notes date and time, along with the technician who was signed in too.
John Heida commented
I'd personally prefer it to reside inside of the ticket area since that is where our techs are doing their work mostly. To get them to go into the customer>call log is like pulling teeth.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
YES! All of our communications are belong in the log. @Troy - DO IT!
Phil Barnfield commented
I totally agree with this one. Our previous software had this option and it would be good to drill it down to different responses. Such as Answered, Voicemail, Msg with Family, No Answer etc.
In addition to this, either the existing Call Log and/or this suggestion, add in the Technician who is logged in to RS at the time. This way it would allow better tracking on who has said what to customers.