Stock take alterations
There needs to be a full reports section for the stock take. As is, if an employee makes the adjustments to match the counts, there is no report to show the adjustments made. This is definitely needed for accounting purposes to show the loss.
Also, having the ability to add the entire inventory or just certain categories is very important. Having the ability to pick what products/items should be counted is huge.

This functionality was added in the last Stock Takes release mid-December 2016.
wholesalegsm commented
All very good suggestions. Any updates @Troy?
Brad Hendricksen commented
This needs to show the "gain" not just the "loss" as of now only total "loss" is listed, not an amount of the "gain" or net of the total gains and losses.
AdminDeveloper (Admin, RepairShopr) commented
@jordey Now stock takes track serials, but only if you enter then by barcode/ label / serial number.
When you finish the stock take you can check the scanned items - click Details link next to the counted quantity. -
Brad commented
This has been under review for nearly ten months. Any update?
Kyle commented
If i read correctly i second this one. Ive found that if i scan something not in the system im fine because it errors, but if there is a part in inventory but we dont have one to scan, there is nothing to tell us that that quantity is off
Terry commented
Haven't had any updates to the Stock take since it was launched. Is there anything in the works? Really just a report to show adjustments would make a HUGE difference.
Nicole commented
Any update on this? This is extremely important to us.
Aaron Caveny commented
Any Word on this?
Terry commented
Anything on this yet? Even just a column that says which store it is would be a huge help.
Anonymous commented
Our old POS would let us zero out inventory items that weren't count during a stock take. That would be a nice option as well to go along with a report.
terry commented
Is there any update to reporting tab for this? At this point, I can't even see which store did which count, which means I can't use this module.
Aaron Caveny commented
I agree with the not counted items suggestion. I saw another suggestion to do to a "cyclic" style of inventory, where you do a certain percentage. Perhaps you have the option at the start of your stock take to do full or partial stock take. That way if you do full, you get a list of items that weren't scanned.
Also - we need a way to see all adjustments done for accounting purposes and have that be a report that can be run for a given date period. Currently, we use an open invoice and make adjustments that way.
terry commented
Getting a report is very necessary. At the moment, there is no way to tell which location did the count in a multistore system.
Isaiah Stewart commented
also, if it could show what items have not been counted, as it is if a full count is done, it adjusts the items counted but if there is an item that the system says I have in stock but none were counted i have no way of knowing that it is wrong.