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  1. Change the custom fields auto-capitize first letter when printing/PDF to same as source formatting

    Change the custom fields auto-capitize first letter when printing/PDF to same as source formatting. It looks messy when printing/PDF as it changes the source formatting. For example : -

    Custom field 2. RAM Check currently changes to 2. ram check

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  2. Sales Detail Report

    Be able to pick an item to run the report. Include the link to the invoices as well. Thanks.

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  3. GoToAssist Integration

    Would love to see integration with Citrix's GoToAssist Remote Support. They have great API's!

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  4. Need a open quotation reminder please :)

    Please can you guys add the same reminders for quotations as you have for invoices. I want the system to tell customers that we have sent them a quotation and we have not received a go ahead or response on their quotation yet. And that if we have no response in 30 days we will assume that they have abandoned their machine.

    Please guys the same as the open invoice reminder but just for quotations.

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  5. Allow Customers to Update Their Billing Info

    I would love for my customers to be able to log into their profile and view/edit any of their contact information, especially as it relates to billing. It would also be great if they could view/edit/add payment methods (PayPal, credit card(s), ect).

    As a bonus it may also be cool to see a simple check box of "save card on file" when customers are paying their invoices via credit card online.

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  6. field jobs info disappears

    When hovering over field jobs, the information pop up disappears almost immediately. Would be better if the information stayed up until the mouse was no longer hovering over the appointment.

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  7. Make restricted inventory items for only authorized users

    Loving the new "merged" inventory system! It was such a pain having to choose which location the inventory item was at. However, there was one nice feature:

    I have 10 techs, 3 managers and 1 district manager, plus me. With the old inventory system, we were able to add items like "manager discount" to a non-standard location, and only allow managers to "log in" to that location. That way, only a manager could issue a "managers discount" line item.

    With all inventory items available to all users, there are no items available to specific users. Also, there is no work…

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  8. Customizable Templates

    It would be nice if we could create custom templates using the foundation already in place with the invoice template features. I am thinking along the lines of custom letters, proposals, etc using the same tags already being used on the invoice templates. We often send letters to customers or potential customers introducing ourselves. It would be nice if we could create a template for that type of thing using the tags already in repairshopr so that it automatically populate name and address information. Maybe even create a tag for ticket or asset name so we could refer to that…

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    under review  ·  Robert Reichner responded

    Interesting idea. We’ve had some people repurpose a template they’re not using (Estimates, for example) in exactly this way.

  9. Quick Email to existing customers

    Once in a while we just want to send a quick email message to a customer, but still have it appear through their portal (to be able to track it with their account).

    For instance, someone wrote "please update our billing email address to" on a piece of paper along with their mailed in payment this month. It would be cool to make a quick email in their account that says "Hey. We just updated your email as requested. Thanks!" Without creating a ticket, and still have everyone know that it was taken care of.

    Not to replace…

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  10. Combine 'Update Type' in ticket comments with ticket 'Status'

    In order to provide transparency with the customer, as well as making ticket management easier, wouldn't it make sense to combine these two fields? eg. PC has been fixed, ticket for that job is marked as 'Resolved' and it sends an email/SMS out to the customer notifying them of that, as well as a custom message sent on the technician's behalf.

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  11. Add an option to show an Asset as no longer in shop possession.

    Currently the system allows asset tracking for clients, but does not show whether the asset has been returned to the client or is still in shop possession.

    For example, we have a client that has turned 60 tablets into our possession but needs them returned as they are done. So we currently have 47 tablets in our possession, and have already returned 13. Rather than open each individual asset (and leave room for error) would there be a quick or easy way to mark the asset as returned?

    Thank you.

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  12. Links Tab

    (so we could add links to other sites, like our databackup portal, GFI, etc. it would be nice if it could be a shared list and user list) - We try to limit the number of software platforms we use but not all platforms talk well with each other when it comes to integration. I would like to have all of our employees live in repairshopr as base! So a links tab that an admin could maintain would be nice. That way employees don't have to go looking or asking each time they need to look at GFI, or backups,…

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  13. Allow common/favorite parts to be saved in Parts section

    It would be very helpful to be able to store information for parts we need to order all the time and generally do not keep in stock. For example, when creating a Part Order for a ticket, it would be great to be able to either manually type in the part information (as you can now) and select from a drop down menu of common parts. Kind of like the Inventory section, but instead of saving info for parts you have in stock, simply bookmarking/earmarking common part info to be used repeatedly when creating Part Orders.

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  14. Add Source Description to Vendor Profile

    It would be nice to have a primary reference note for each vendor in the system. Some vendors have dumb names and it's hard to remember what we use them for. I'd like to make their primary field identify what we use them for - like ABC Manufacturing Inc (Laptop Chargers).

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  15. Rotate monthly totals on admin page.

    I would like to see this months totals on top and last months on the bottom.

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  16. Add a Column for Last Purchase Price in PO

    the idea is actually simple to implement i think.
    right now we have Average price for PO made.

    so i think if the team could add an extra column for "Last Purchase Price" would be great.

    In our PO, there would be a column to let us know what was the last price we purchase the item. As the price in the inventory is the average, it might not be accurate.

    For eg (assuming it is identical socks)
    the price we bought a socks is $2.
    Then we bought another socks for $1

    The average cost of the socks…

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  17. MarketR CC Tech on email sent

    Email tech, or admin a copy of the email sent to client.
    This way we can do a phone call follow up as well.

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  18. Edit Existing Asset When Creating Ticket

    Some assets (PCs) change or need new information. The ability to edit an existing asset when adding to the ticket would be helpful.

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    under review  ·  Robert Reichner responded

    Thanks for the suggestion, Eric. We’ll look at how that might work for future implementation.

  19. on tickets list is there a way to see paid??

    we have a paid status and we prefer some customers prepay for our liquid damage services - if we could see the little green checks even though the status changes internally that would REALY help!!!

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  20. Print function for employee sales report

    Print function for employee sales report

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    planned  ·  Robert Reichner responded

    We’ll be adding printing support with our planned reports system upgrades.

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