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  1. Integrate With Hosted Exchange

    It would be wonderful to be able to integrate with Hosted Exchange Calendars. For Example Intermedia or Rackspace. In a way that you can put your email and password in for authorization since it is a multi-tenant hosting solution and direct access to the server to install a client is not possible.

    Outlook integration would be another option but not favorable due to the sync issues if the computer is off, and being overly complex for multi device sync.

    Thank you for your time. If need be I could put you in touch with someone at Intermedia directly if that…

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  2. Itemized Stock Take Report (Showing Lost Serials)

    I think it would be very helpful if a report with missing serials, with costs, could be produced once a stock take has been finalized.

    I could then let our staff do stock takes, and I could know exactly which items are missing, and what the loss of each item has cost us. I can use that to set variance targets for our stock controllers.

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  3. Add Ticket Priority to Intake Sheet


    Would it be possible to insert the ticket priority field onto the customer intake field?

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  4. Custom fields for contacts

    I would like custom fields on contacts please.

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  5. mapping feature

    I woud love to be able to have a map view of technicians and some smarter scheduling based around location and travel time, etc

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  6. Additional Recurring Invoice Period Options

    It would be nice if we could set additional period options. For instance we bill 30 days in advanced for all managed services (i.e bill July 1 for August 1 - August 31 services). Right now we have to manually change the invoice to read the correct billing period as it is more than 30 days in advanced.

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  7. Enable Ability to Add Ticket Charges to Estimate for Better Quotes

    I believe it should be possible to add existing ticket charges to an estimate. An example of why you would want to do this is when you perform some work for a client (eg. investigate performance problems on a computer system onsite) and then you need to prepare a quote for the repair of the problem in the workshop (eg. replace bad drive), the client often wants to know how much the entire job will cost if they ask for a quote. If you've already added ticket charges on the fly, then you need to add them again to the…

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  8. Add the ability to change payment method from within the customer portal.

    We would like the customers to be able to choose their payment type.

    currently, the customer portal will only display the first Credit Card payment method you specified in your Payment Method settings.

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  9. Allow for quantites less than 1

    On purchase orders and invoices wire and other items are quantified in lengths. Sometimes this means less than an integer, (i.e. 1.5 feet). I am requesting that the quantity field allow for two decimal places to the right, (i.e. 1.25).

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  10. Auto printr handling inventory labels

    We are new to repairshopr and currently switching from an old system, we are finding the label printing a bit lackluster. Having to open to pdf and print that way does not seem the most efficient way of doing this. Auto Printr should be able to take over and auto print labels. I would believe it would need to know what size of labels it is using as well.

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  11. improve on recurring tickets scheduling options

    The recurring ticket feature is unfortunately not useful to us in the
    current state.
    Most of our appointments occur for instance on the second Monday of each month from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    Just selecting weekly/monthly/bi-monthly etc. and a date when the ticket should run is not going to keep the tickets properly synched.


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  12. Allow open invoice reminders to trigger every X days continuously, not just once.

    Instead of creating an open invoice reminder for every time period you want one to be triggered, how about allowing it to trigger every X days? I understand that your message may be a little different from reminder to reminder, so may you can say 'every x days until y days' or something similar. There should also be a variable for how long the invoice has been open, so that the reminder can show that number in the message.

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  13. Create a API Integration

    We use a cloud based phone system called It'e been very affordable for us. They have a very complete JSON based API and I know you guys could add this in two seconds! Their API covers the full call interaction between the call coming in, being answered, and the call ending. They can do that for outbound calls too. There is also the ability to send and receive text messages through the API. API knowledge base ->

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  14. Enable Multi-Site Quickbook Desktop sync.

    Enable Multi-Site Quickbook Desktop sync.
    We use Multi-Site inventory with Quickbook Desktop Enterprise and we need to specify from wich inventory site a computer part is sold, to manage our inventory correctly. It would only need to add a Site field in the Ticket/Invoice form that match Quickbook Site or much simple only map the Repairshopr Location to the QB inventory site... I'm tring to understand what the big chain option is for if we cannot map our inventory to site/location for our accounting system.

    It is a must have for us.


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  15. Making the serialization option editable (unserialize)

    We have run into this situation a few times now due to how different vendors do things differently when it comes to serial numbers. We setup a product to be serialized, Like RAM, then switch vendors and they don't serialize their RAM and now we have to create a new product and lose all that history and add confusion.

    We are big on tracking out data and would prefer not to lose all that.

    Making the Serialization check box an editable options would be very handy. Of course only for Global admins or those selected to have such power in…

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  16. Warranty Master

    Warranty Master

    Could be interesting if you could connect to the API of Warranty Master (they are already linked to maxfocus). Very simple to use and prompt support. Would be a great add-on!

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  17. Web design

    We take a strategic approach to all our work, offering a broad range of services from basic branding packages and logo design, right through to web and digital solutions,

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  18. Search custom assets fields

    We should be able to search for keywords in fields created in Assets. For example: If I create a field for OS type, I should be able to search and find all the assets with a certain version of Windows installed.

    Even better: I should be able to email all the customers who have a certain OS type. This could be very profitable when used to email customers about upgrades.

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  19. Add ticket number to calendar subject.

    Currently the calendar shows something like:-
    "[RS] Customer Name , Ticket Subject, ZIP/postcode"

    Any chance it could show the ticket number somewhere? We push the appointments to google calendar and its very useful just to look at the calendar and see the ticket number and use it for reference or to search etc.
    How about:-
    "[RS 9321] Customer Name , Ticket Subject, ZIP/postcode"



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  20. Appointment Creation - Default to send email notification, but not send ticket creation emails

    The appointment sending an email by default is handled by the "Tickets do not email initial issue by default" box found at Admin > Ticket Preferences > Advanced. If the box is checked, the appointments will not email by default, and if the box is unchecked then the appointments will email by default, just like the initial issue for Tickets.

    There is currently no way to toggle this on or off for just appointments.

    When we create an onsite ticket, we create an onsite appointment immediately after. I don't need the customer to receive ticket email creations, I only care…

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