Add the option to skip receipt printing
We offer a service which customers pay for on a monthly basis. A reasonable percentage of them pay by mailing in a check.
We have RepairShopr configured to automatically print a receipt whenever a payment is made. This works really nicely, but when we are processing the checks that are mailed in, there is no point in printing the receipt. We could just temporarily turn of automatic printing for it is really easy to switch, but then it is easy to forget to turn it back on.
It would be nice if, when receiving a payment for an invoice, we could opt to not print the receipt. See the mockup:
This would have no effect on the times when we do want the receipt and would add only one click for when we don't want the receipt.
What if instead of “skip receipt” checkbox, we just never print a receipt if the payment date field was changed? That generally means you are entering a payment that didn’t just happen that moment, like a mailed in check..
Not excited about adding more fields, keeping the interface simple is what we receive the most feedback about in general.
Pat Foraker commented
Agreed, with many many other fixes to print experience in general.
Spencer Pous commented
yes! This is needed.
Chris Carroll commented
I'll second this. Also if printing receipt is turned off by default, have option to print receipt checkbox. Or at least have a default option set at customer level.
I'm very new to using RS so may be lack of experience on my end.