Bounce return flag for invalid contact info
would be nice to get a system alert on emails linked to accounts that get a return/invalid response. That way the issue can be addressed before the client calls wondering why they haven't been updated.
Also, not sure if a solution to this may already exist... but, I have had several wrong emails that probably went to actual mail accounts due to vast pool of yahoo, gmail and other similar free accounts. Unfortunately, this scenario cannot be easily remedied, but still could be reduced. To help reduce this issue: a link to allow a wrong-recipient to notify that they are not the intended target would help alert us to incorrect email addresses; at least at times when the unintended reader is kind enough to click the link.
these alerts should show up in top-of-mind manner. Maybe even an alert icon on the dashboard, so that everyone can see and someone jumps on the effort to resolve.
also, not sure if text messaging system allows two way communication, but this would be idea for that as well, in similar scenarios.

This has been here forever, it puts a hidden comment on the ticket or customer record with the bounce message.