Employee Scheduling software
Hello I love you guys software, but i was wondering if you could maybe partner with a company like When I Work (www.wheniwork.com) or (http://www.yournextseven.com) or develop a employee scheduling software similar that will allow your us to be able to create shifts and schedule our employees. This will also allow my employees to see the work schedule anywhere.

We’re considering building a light version of this to work with RepairShopr’s calendar.
Zak H commented
Well, I guess this has fallen to the way side?
Justin commented
Anonymous commented
This would be a real game changer. I have multiple stores and would love to have this feature. Snagajob has really nice scheduling system.
Mark Pauley commented
How was this coming? This is really the only thing holding me back from using your platform. We have been in business for three years, and are ready to switch everything over. This is literally the one thing holding me back. We would still have to have some other system outside of yours to perform this function. Even a down and dirty basic calendar would be fine for this moment.
Regina Miller commented
I would like to have a feature to schedule shop employees in conjunction with the time clock. If that is not available, I'd like a way to import data from www.mytimestation.com At the very least when scheduling I would like a way to mark when an employee is late and have an option to A) have employee clock in early for convenience if they choose, but reconcile it with their actual start time. B) if they work over their scheduled shift give option to clock out at their scheduled time vs submit overtime slip with reason (this will help us differentiate when employees are socializing and just clock out late vs. getting tied up by a customer). I also agree whole heartedly with Michael Johnson's recommendations from 3-31.
Anonymous commented
Any update on this. I would love this feature.
Michael Johnson commented
I think something like this would be very useful. Although I haven't explored any of these third party scheduling programs.
I think IN ADDITION to this, if repairshopr could flag hours on timesheet reports if the employee worked hours outside of this schedule, or if the employee was scheduled to work but never clocked in.
It would also be great if this helped repairshopr to put a bold reminder in front of employees, reminding them to clock in (if they're using the software and not clocked in) especially during their scheduled work hours. It really would be **AMAZING**.
=)And hopefully this does not add an additional fee to repairshopr to add in this functionality. ;)
ifixit911 commented
We at @iFixit911 think that would be an awesome integration to this software !! Has this been released yet ?
August commented
We started using When I Work because of added features but my techs are having a hard time to remember to use another program instead of the integrated solution. Any improvements to the time clock could be very useful!
Gary commented
Yes, this would be a great feature. On your Demo call Edy seemed to think it was already a part of repairshopr. Perhaps it is in beta now?
Debbie Batista commented
Being able to schedule staff would be a great help. When you need to book an appointment being able to see who is on which day/time would speed up scheduling.
Jonathan Sessions commented
I'm in favor of this as well. I have a few part timers and it would be super helpful if the whole staff could see everyone's schedule and availability when scheduling on-site jobs.
Spencer commented
Just pitching in on this vote. I think it would be great to have employee schedules included, possibly with a collaborative section if employees need to trade shifts. I think adding this feature would push the ball closer to making this an all-in-one option that will further add to its value for the small business owner. Thanks Robert for being open to stuff like this, its a huge benefit to the organization of our companies!
Jim commented
I'd like to take one's cue from and ask if it would be possible to make an integration with www.bamboohr.com like the one www.NimbleSchedule.com has.
It would be very useful!