Please Organize Custom Fields
Most everything in RS is laid out very nice and clean, but the Ticket Custom Fields is definitely lacking. We use a lot of custom fields for our tickets in order to have specific information readily available and to basically summarize our logs with specific details. However, because these custom fields are not organize very well (they are pretty much packed in a small space as close to each other as possible) it makes it more difficult to find the data you are looking for. It would be ideal to be able to have different sections for different custom fields with their own heading so that you can easily find the information you are looking for. MH does a pretty good job of this and it really simplifies things.

John Choate commented
It looks like this was marked as "Planned" in November 2015. Is this still "Planned"?
- commented
Yes, in fact if we could organize fields ourselves it would be fantastic. When we add a "new" custom field it is just added at the end. Being able to add a field to a pre-existing grouping or to place in alpha order would allow for more efficient use. Because we have added info to some of the fields, we cannot delete and rearrange (we'd lose the already added content!).
Karen -
Greg Williams commented
This is a good idea, we use custom fields a lot
We would like to be able to choose the number of columns to display on the Customer Details screen (our preference is one column) and the ability to sort the fields so that our most important information is at the top of the screen.
The content of the custom fields, which are presently at the top which is good, tends to push all of the other fields around so that (for example) the Assets and Ticket fields swap from one side to the other.
One more request would be to make the field headings (again say Assets and Tickets) a little bolder font so that it is easier to pick the headings out of the regular text.
The customer detail screen is a really good resource, we are finding as we add tickets, invoices, assets etc it is becoming a very useful resource on a day to day basis. So the core design is great and if we can get some aesthetic changes made that would be fabulous
Greg Williams
Lincoln Computer Centre -
ZachM commented
Need the ability to create and maintain the order of the items in the Custom Fields instead of just adding the newest item at the top of the list.
Justin commented
Yes I agree the custom fields need a way to organize in the order we need them and not randomly.