Canned Responses Categories - Need to Organize/Cleanup
We have 24 canned responses (currently and adding all the time) ranging from greetings to ready for pickup messages. It has become increasingly difficult to select the right canned response quickly.
Here is some feedback/requests:
1. It would be VERY nice to have the ability to select a drop down or have some other way to go to the right drop down. This should be on the ticket screen.
2. It would be great to include variables in the canned responses (similar to your template system) like %firstname%, %initialproblem%, etc...
3. Have the ability to add canned responses 1 after another. Currenly, if you select a canned response it will override whatever is in your text box. A checkbox like "add to end of message but before signature" or "add to beginning of message" or "Add to message (where the cursor is) would be awesome.
4. Have a checkbox stating "add signature to end of message" to have signatures in our responses. We type this in manually right now. Really slowwwwwww, annoying for all, and is inconsistent.
Maybe some more fresh ideas could be out there? Right now... I'm glad to have canned responses but to be honest adding them and using them is rather "beta/initial release" feeling.
- If you click "Modify" or try to add a canned response - The canned response is added in the middle of all the canned responses previously created. Then after you click the button you are brought to the top of the screen so you have to scroll down and search for your "tucked" away new canned response. Along with that, it is difficult to find/search through this page as it is difficult to read/view. It would be nice to be able to manage this area better.
Thanks for listening as always

We shipped a major update to this a few weeks ago – in case you missed it.
Patrick King commented
It would be good if we can add tags to canned responses so that suggestions can drop down for the team like for inventory products or the search all the things.
Stephen De Tomasi commented
Just added a couple more votes to this, every time I add a new response, the system becomes less efficient :(
Stephen De Tomasi commented
Have to +1 this. We now have something like 18-20 canned responses and it's getting a bit unwieldy.
Curtis N Christine Quinn commented
Completely agree. The canned responses are a reasonable way of doing things but it didn't take more than a week using RS to have more than enough of them to make the whole response system feel like a mess.
AnthonyCross commented
Any progress with this?
cteagardin commented
Nailed it, especially some type of variable system. We do need organization because right now we have way too many, and something like a drop down box would just be perfect.
Jason Miller commented
The last system we used we used Canned Notes/Responces all of the time. However in repairshopr it lumps all responses together. You need responses for ticket creation and resources for tickets and they need to be separate or at least a way to organize them. Also the ability to add two or more in one email or ticket update or ticket creation would be great as well.
Anonymous commented
Wanted to add to this, I might use 2-3 canned responses in one email. The insert button should be able to insert the canned response into an existing message without erasing the existing message. It would be nice to click insert on a canned response and then add more to the message by clicking on a different canned response. I came from the HESK ticket system which would allow for this and it is very nice.