Separate Phone Numbers
It would be nice to have a block for a work phone number in addition to the personal and cell number blocks. The work number should not be unique to a customer though, in case we have more than one employee of a business stop in for service.
AdminRajesh Agarwal (Admin, RepairShopr) commented
Ryan, you can adjust that - you must have additionally required phone + mobile in the settings.
If you don't require any, it just shows mobile by default on a new customer.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
I know this just became completed, but:
I think it would make things more simple to default to only having one phone number text box when creating a new customer, and then just have the "Add a phone number+" option below that.
As of now, some techs are leaving the "Phone" box empty and only filling in the "Mobile" box, which makes the customer have a "Phone" number as 000-000-0000. If there was only one box by default, techs would change the "number type" and not add another unless they need it.
What do you think?
Davidv commented
Is it Possible to add a text box or allow text in the phone number box for the extension Like 1800-555-5555 Ext.123 or separate box
Ryan (Power User AP, RepairShopr) commented
The word!
Ryan (Power User AP, RepairShopr) commented
I would really like to set the default number as their mobile, as most people provide their cell phone number as their "best contact number". Or change the order to be - mobile, home, work. Or just make a drop down with the ability to choose which type of number it is. Boom!
Steven commented
Also the ability to select a preferred contact number.