Stop making us scroll down - Most commonly used items "above the fold"
When I take a payment to scroll down to hit the "Take Payment" Button. In tickets you have to scroll down to see the full customer information.
There is so much wasted space at the top of RepairShopr screens it's just nuts.
Asking for a signature on a check deposit is crazy.
Please work on your UI rather than some of the features that are coming out on "Feature Friday"
Simon commented
UI needs an overhaul as does the menu structure for settings - seems many features added and the interface is now being messy
All Seasons Power Equipment commented
I somewhat agree, there is a lot of wasted space at the top. Maybe a better approach would be to make the blocks on the ticket and invoice screens repositionable. That way anyone can set up above the fold that is most important to them.
CCW Technology commented
Ian posted on FB that he thinks scrolling isn't a bad thing. (Anything that makes you scroll or click takes time)
Does that mean that there is no intent on working on this issue even if it get's more votes? If you are going to NOT do something no matter, it would be nice to know so I can use my votes elsewhere. Otherwise they are just tied up on an idea that will never happen.
CCW Technology commented
To clarify the take payment button is problematic when you take a payment of multiple invoices. We are an MSP/I.T. Consulting firm and not a retail shop so there are often multiple invoices for a client.
CCW Technology commented