Customer phone number in subject line, automatically assigns lead
We have a PBX system where a customer can call and leave a message. We can setup our system to email an attachment of the voicemail to our repairshopr email address. The system will add the customer phone number to the subject line of the email it sends. We would like email rules to automatically match the phone number when it appears in the subject line and assign the ticket to the customer.

AdminRajesh Agarwal (Admin, RepairShopr) commented
I can probably get this working yeah :)
Sam James commented
Any progress or thoughts on this? The PBX module kinda technically already does a number lookup, perhaps the leads module can use this to lookup the customer and link to them?
Sam James commented
Apparently the number matching in leads module which sounds great can't deal with numbers beginning with 0 which screws over the UK at the very least.
Sam James commented
Any update? Still manually matching, even when integrated with freepbx for the callerid lookup (half the battle right there)
Jesse commented
This would be fantastic
Sam James commented
Any updates on this potentially amazing feature
Tyler P commented
My post before was premature. It was not working properly. It would be great if we could get the system to recognize a phone number (would need some formatting as well, 123-456-7890 vs 1234567890 and 1-123-456-7890, etc.) that is from a customer/contact and assign the ticket accordingly. Despite my best efforts, I have many clients that are texting my business number instead of emailing, and it's a real pain.
Sam James commented
Also tried putting it in the body of the email
Sam James commented
This isn't working. Have tried adding from:(customer number) at end of subject field (this works for email address) which doesn't work. Also tried sending from a different email address to what my asterisk box uses (as it was just picking up our domain and messing up).
Anyone have it working wanna share their setup?
Tyler P commented
You're right! It already works out of the box. Awesome, I'm putting this to use ASAP!!
Thanks Troy.
AdminRajesh Agarwal (Admin, RepairShopr) commented
I'm pretty sure if the phone number is in the body of the email we already do the matching. Can you try it out?