3762 results found
Refurbs/Outside Vendors
in our business we need to send some parts out for repair by outside vendors. These are parts in our inventory and we would like to be able to remove it from inventory, ship to the vendor and then receive it back in when the repairs are complete. We would also want to attached any part certifications to the part. I want to be able to pick the vendor it is being shipped to and it should be trackable.
Currently Repairshopr doesn't have this function. I would like to see this area upgraded. I would also like to see the…
1 vote -
Products/inventory Page
On the inventory/products main page i would like to see one of the sortable headers replaced. the item "maintain stock - true/false" is not needed for viewing on the page. I would like to see it replaced with "Physical location" taken from the product details page. This would allow the user a fast way to locate the part without having to click on the part to find the location.
it would also be nice if we could customize the headers by choosing what we want to see and we should be able to pick from all the fields on the…
3 votes -
3 votes
It would be nice to have a dispatching add-on. Something that allows techs to notify the end user that they are on the way to their location and tracks the techs location so that the end user will be able to verify the tech is on the way. It will help out with having to constantly contact the end user’s who are waiting for techs who are possibly stuck in traffic. It would also help end user’s keep appointments. Several times, techs go to the end user’s residence and the end user is not home, doesn’t answer the door, etc. …
42 votes -
Customer ticket replies.
When we reply to customer within a ticket. It only sends an email to the person who started the conversation. We would like if a team member replies to the customer and the customer replies our whole team get the email reply instead of one person.
1 vote -
make RMA's searchable or viewable by status.
As of right now, in the RMA/Returns Tracker - once an RMA is set to "resolved" it is hidden from view, and we can't see it again if we need to look it up for documentation or research purposes. A button to view completed, or a search function to see RMAs by status is needed.
3 votes -
Add a translation/costumization possibility in everything the costumer can see (leads/widget)
Add a translation/costumization possibility in everything the costumer can see (leads/widget)
12 votes -
Tickets Settings: "Customize Text for Ticket Charges" (on invoice) improvements
The default ticket invoice entry without customization looks like this:
Ticket Work: {{tickettimertech}} {{tickettimerdateandtimes}} {{tickettimernotes}} from Ticket # {{ticketnumber}}, Subject {{ticketsubject}}
I thought the customizations would make it easy to arrange the tags as I see fit, but when entering this customization in "Customize Text for Ticket Charges":
Ticket #{{ticketnumber}} {{tickettimerdateandtimes}} FOR: {{ticketsubject}} - {{tickettimernotes}} BY: {{tech_name}}
I get this example on the invoice:
Ticket #6 {{tickettimerdateandtimes}} FOR: Assist with preparation of database import - {{tickettimernotes}}…
0 votes -
Returns / Refunds for parts within a bundle
It would be really useful to be able to return / refund the components of a bundle product.
For example, if we create a PC bundle and six months later the RAM needs to be swapped, at the moment we have to fudge the system to accomplish this.
What would be great would be able to:
1) Add the bundle component to a return / RMA
2) Be able to swap the returned item for a replacment product which is then properly associated to the original bundle.
3) Able to upgrade/downgrade the replacement product and an invoice be generated to…13 votes -
Worksheet Completion Reporting
Would be great to see a report of worksheet completion. We have worksheets for tickets setup that are not getting done. Would be nice to start seeing the completion rate for accountability.
3 votes -
ARI Part Smart intergration
We are using this in a Small Engine Repair Shop. ARI Part Smart is the industry standard for parts catalogs and diagrams for 100s of brands. They integrate with a number of POS software and the software is based around intergrations.
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Pricing according to the payment terms
We offer different prices to customers that are paying in advance, customers that are paying cash and customers that are on payment terms such as Net30. I would like to have the ability to have at least 3 different prices for the same product. Right now we have to edit the price every time so we can keep track of the serial numbers.
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Add a customer profile setting for default labor rates.
Could a setting for default labor rates be added to the customer profile settings? The best example is the setting for the default tax rate which is selectable in each customer account. If a setting that mimics the tax rate could be applied for labor rates it would eliminate the need to create a new contract for a customer just to define their default labor rate.
As an example we have two different rates for residential and business clients, creating a contract for each is needlessly complex.
17 votes -
Display line item price when adding to estimate
When adding line items to an estimate, It would help if along with the description of the product, we could see the actual part# and the cost of the line item in the search dropdown.
4 votes -
Push Vantiv to support UK now they have merged with Worldpay
Now Worldpay and Vantiv have merged, it would be great to see if they would support partnering up with yourselves for UK (and other areas) payment processing.
I called Worldpay and was advised they are keen to onboard payment applications such as your in areas Worldpay support as Vantiv fills a gap they have in this market area.
Can you reach out and gain headway as we need re-occuring subscriptions here in the UK (And other areas I'm guessing).
9 votes -
Inventory Adjusting
We are a Small Business and we lease equipment to other small businesses. it would be nice to be able to adjust our inventory manually or have a leasing category to move inventory over to manually when customers will be leasing equipment from us.
6 votes -
print receipts for POS drawer adjustments
It would be great for a receipt to print when adjustments are made to a register for accounting purposes. Thanks for considering.
2 votes -
Add integration with TapMango loyalty rewards
We've started utilizing the TapMango loyalty rewards system and have been very happy with it so far. Rather than building your own loyalty rewards into RepairShopr, could you possibly provide integration with the TapMango system? I'm aware of several other POS systems that they currently integrate with.
3 votes -
Custom SSL Certificate
Allow custom SSL certificates to be installed for RS domains. When a customer goes to an error is displayed because the SSL certificate does not match the domain. This is also an issue for the Vantiv integrated payments if a customer uses our customer portal link the site does not show that it is SSL protected and there is currently no "secure payment" badged on the Vantiv payment page when a customer clicks "Pay With Credit Card".
47 votes -
In worksheets, when a long worksheet is created with multiple field types, the app re-orders the list
Creating a worksheet, I have let's say a list "V 1" through "V 15" all as text fields to allow manual entry of data. In the web page, it is exactly what I need! Perfect, love it! If I open up the same ticket on the App on android, tablet, iPhone, or an iPad, I get different shufflings of the data. It does not stay in the same order on the App. It would be amazing if this could be looked at, especially cross operating systems. I use macs and Windows. The mobile technology would be great for the check…
1 vote
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