Tickets Settings: "Customize Text for Ticket Charges" (on invoice) improvements
The default ticket invoice entry without customization looks like this:
Ticket Work: {{tickettimertech}} {{tickettimerdateandtimes}} {{tickettimernotes}} from Ticket # {{ticketnumber}}, Subject {{ticketsubject}}
I thought the customizations would make it easy to arrange the tags as I see fit, but when entering this customization in "Customize Text for Ticket Charges":
Ticket #{{ticketnumber}} {{tickettimerdateandtimes}} FOR: {{ticketsubject}} - {{tickettimernotes}} BY: {{tech_name}}
I get this example on the invoice:
Ticket #6 {{tickettimerdateandtimes}} FOR: Assist with preparation of database import - {{tickettimernotes}} BY: Fred Flintstone.
It would be fantastic if these tags could be used on invoice customizations rather than just Tciket Timer Charges:
{{tickettimerdateandtimes}} {{tickettimernotes}}
Vince Mongiardo commented
I'm not sure whether you're saying that the tags aren't converting to the actual data when you add the timer charge to the invoice, but in my experience those tags are correctly replaced by the actual data.
I was expecting the default behavior to be overridden by the customized tags, such that *only* the tags I enter would be displayed on the invoices. Instead, the default info (Ticket # {{ticket_number}}, Subject {{ticket_subject}}) is still appended to the end of the data populated by customized tags.
Also, it would be nice if the {{ticket_timer_date}} tag was the abbreviated date as is included with the {{ticket_timer_date_and_times}} tag. I'd rather use the timer date (abbreviated) without the start and end times, because a tech might enter info for multiple timers at some later date, so that the start/end times don't make sense and may appear to overlap.
Overall, I like the ability to customize how the timers appear on the invoice, but the functionality needs to be tweaked/tightened up a bit.