The ability to see if a ticket comment was emailed to the customer or not
After a comment has been added to an individual ticket, there is no way of knowing if the actual comment was emailed or not.
It would be handy if there was a way of checking after the fact if the customer was contacted.

Rob commented
I didn't have any votes to give on this previously, but now do. This is EXTREMELY important. At the very least... we're just looking for a simple graphic like an envelope to show whether or not a comment was emailed to the client or not.
So many times we see a comment and wonder if we accidentally didn't uncheck the box.. or even worse, when reviewing stale tickets, wondering if the customer didn't respond because the email was never sent... then do you send the exact same email again? It's pretty rough.. AND awkward.
Rob commented
Can't believe I'm seeing this 3 months later, but it's so hilarious I linked to this very post that I'm inclined to leave my idiocy here for all to see.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
@Rob - That's the same post.
Related to this, two great ideas:
1. Put some active content a tracking tag in emails to the customer, so we can tell if they email has been viewed.
2. Deleted ticket comments should not "disappear" completely. They should instead be edited to show a strike-through. This would make them not print on paper/PDF, and would not be visible in the customer portal; but it would still be known that it was emailed/visible at one point. We may not know if they saw it so we can't just pretend it never happened.
Rob commented
This is actually a duplicate suggestion:
Throw your votes over here:
Nick commented
When making a comment in a ticket, you have the option to either email, or don't email. The problem, when looking at a comment you already entered, it doesn't show if it was emailed or not. Nor does it show who it was emailed to (in cases when you add additional email address to the ticket).
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
Similarly, it would be awesome to be able to see if customers have viewed certain items in their customer portal. There's another thread where a user mentioned putting a small eyeball icon next to tickets, estimates and invoices to signify if the customer has clicked and viewed it yet.
Same thing goes for emails that are sent out. There could be a small line of code that loads a pixel file which could relay to the ticket if the email sent was read by the customer. Then you could put the little eyeball icon on the ticket comment line so we can tell if the customer has read it yet.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
I agree that the little blue envelope icon would be sufficient, but I think it would be a lot more intuitive and easy to understand at a glance if the entire comment line was highlighted; kind of like the yellow highlighted private comments.
Green could mean it was emailed to the customer, yellow could remain for private comments, and white could be public comments that were not emailed. Maybe even Green yellow and red to signify if it was sent, not sent, or private.
Murray commented
This is a very good idea, even just having a little email icon next to the delete comment button would be sufficient.
Brian Twitchell commented
This actually is a very critical piece. I just went hunting to find out how to know if a ticket comment was sent or not, and cannot find a way to tell. This must be fixed.