Inventory Customer Purchase History
It would be helpful to have the ability to see which customers purchased inventory items. Perhaps, something is on sale, you sold some, however to find out who purchased during the campaign is not available. Drill down to the actual sale invoice would be another great benefit too.
Martin commented
It would be really helpful to be able to export a data-dump (into excel or CSV) of not just customer contact info, but their purchase history such as products or services bought, tickets raised and amount spent, for example. Or, even better, to be able to use this data to filter (using the new "customer > saved searches") to filter customers for specific marketing purposes. E.g. Give me all customers who purchased a custom built pc from me in the last 12 months, along with their spend, and contact details.
This is essential to being able to use the data rather than just have it stored.
Dimitrios Vamvasakis commented
Yeah very useful to know what items a customer has bought form you! Very basic and useful idea that is a must!
Chris W. commented
Create a Customer Inventory Purchase History in the Saved Customer Search and include the ability to search on number of days since purchased.
You could save the searches and use them in marketr. Very powerful marketing tool in targeting repeat business.
Ben commented
We would like to have this feature as well. We want to contact our clients who had a virus removal and offer them our recommended antivirus package.
Chipp commented
Inventory item history in general. I sell Antivirus and my previous POS would allow me to run a report on just my antivirus program so I can contact customers when their subscriptions were about to expire.
Anonymous commented
I would like to see all of the items that one customer purchased