Signature pad on job tickets
SIgnature pad to make the customer sign and agree to terms of a repair, like the signature pad on the invoice page
Mobile has it, and there is a new intake form setting.
Luca commented
Troy, can you please review this?
Luca commented
i cant see a signature pad on the ticket. Even on the mobile version. The only signature pad is on the invoice and on the intake form.
Trouble is that the tech needs to show them the ticket and what was written and then they should be able to sign on that same page. Instead, they are having to sign on a separate page, the intake form.
Also, above the sign pad, there is the print name. This name is not displayed once it is signed. As we do not know who the scribble belongs to, we need to know the actual name.
Rich Trice commented
Also make it so this can work with smart device for road techs.