Round Up. No Per Minute Billing for On-Site Service Calls.
Our onsite service calls are billed 1hr min then per 15 minutes thereafter. We are using the time in and time out feature and when we run an invoice, it’s per min billing. There is no easy way to change the time to round up for billing.
We are not super stringent to 1 minute after but about 5min over we round up to the ¼ hour. It’s become a billing nightmare trying to get this adjusted.
I have not found a convenient way to do this yet, Any ideas?
You can do this in the ticket time entries, see Settings, Tickets, Advanced.
Billy Sherlock commented
we still have not found a way to fix this issue. Any ideas?
Andy commented
I thought I had seen this could be done. Please add this.
Danny Hernandez commented
This would be huge for us. Will make invoice calculation much easier for field techs.
Chad Pilster commented
Plus 1 to this.
Marcus Adams commented
Same with us. We have always billed a minimum of 1 hour an then 15 minute increments afterwards. This would be very useful. I am going to test and see if I can get this working with the PAID version of TOGGL
Steve Burdick commented
This is important to us as well. We bill in 15 minute increments so everything is rounded up.