Stock inventory website integration widget
So I have people from around town, usually people from phone carriers that I've befriended calling at least once a day and asking if I have parts on hand so they can send me a customer. I don't mine talking to them, that's more business! But one of the employees from one of the carriers said I should just send her a list of all my parts I have on hand every day. Although I could do that with reports, that would be kinda challenging every day or so.
I had the idea, what if there was a way to integrate my inventory on my site.
So lets say a customer or phone carrier employee looks on my site to see what a screen replacement for an iPhone 6 is. It would be cool if it would show a little green check mark next to the price or even just say, "parts on hand" or "in stock" and "Out of stock" for when we don't.
I'm no web guru, but I know enough to put some cutsom HTML or even an iFrame in line next to the pricing.
My other thought would be to find or make a little WordPress plugin that accepts a CSV file that would then in turn us some short code and display that information from a report I could generate fro RepairShopr.
I’m going to mark this as complete because you can realistically do this today with our free woocommerce integration on a wordpress site.
Let us know if you think it’s missing something important!