Custom appointment type with custom email Template, Add email Template for Custom appointment types
Having custom appointment types is great. It would be much more powerful and useful if we could have an email template that would work with these custom appointment types so you could have custom text for each custom appointment.
Like a sales appointment vs. an on-site visit. Or a sales visit vs. a training session. Each could have it's own text that matched the purpose of the appointment type.
This is basically all that the appointment types feature does. This is what it was built for.
Jump in the video to about 1:10 –
Tim Nyberg commented
Thanks but I don't you got the jist of what I was saying or I completely missed it i the video? I may not have done a good job of explaining,
Currently there are Email templates, just not no for each appointment type. Currently if we schedule an appointment they all get the same email because there is only one email template. This has nothing to do with the bookings integration. Just email templates.
We'd like to have an email template available for any custom appointment type. So if we create a new custom appointment type called "Sales Call" and then we schedule a new "Sales Call" we could have a corresponding custom email template specifically that new appointment type "Sale Call" with what ever texted we wanted to be sent.
Your video all looked like it was geared for bookings....this would be for when we manually schedule any custom appointment type we may have created with no bookings, no client interaction etc.