Contract Pricing Templates
I need the ability to create contracts with a predefined list of contract pricing based on the type of contract. it is difficult to put all my different services into every contract I make.
Gazo commented
There is an option to clone a contract, so a number of template contracts could be created and then just cloned as needed for use with a customer.
Evan Obert commented
Being able to import contract pricing from a spreadsheet the same way we are able to import inventory items would solve this for me. We have started creating a contract with custom pricing for each new customer.
joe commented
There needs to be a way mass add discounts. Maybe via a percentage off a specific product category would certainly help. We have close to 300 different descriptions for services we provide.
Tim Nyberg commented
+1 Yes, we’d love to be able to make a contract for each type of service plan. Have all the discounts for Labor, phone support, and such set. So we can choose the contract type and roll with it and not have to recreate it each time. A Contract should be a set thing that could be all set up and attached.
still nice to have the flexibility to create one as needed for licenses for things like Office365, Dropbox, Firewall and WiFI support licenses etc.
A few other things that would be nice for contacts would be:
1. Make the columns sortable when viewing that screen, date, contract type, expression date etc.
2. Be able to apply a discount % vs. having to pick a $ amount for Labor items. To be able to choose say 20% off any labor item so we don’t have to pick each line item that might be labor, a global 20% off Labor. If Labor could be defined as Labor when you set up those innovatory items this would work great. We give our Contracted clients a discount on Labor based on the level of the agreement they have. 10% or 20% for example. For some Phone support may or may not fall into “labor” so maybe the option for them to include that or not in this discount.
3. Some agreements have phone support included as well, it would be nice for this to be an option here, check the box if Phone support is included or if it is billable.
4. Create a setting to show contracts expiring in the next 30 days. Or just be able to custom sort for these things like we do with tickets.
5. Be able to sort by Contract type, which relates to this request. If we had for example 5 contact types defined we could sort by each one, like Firewall licenses, Support plan Gold, etc. Just to look at those agreements. It is harder and harder to find things as the list gets longer.
This is a great idea and would be very helpful. It is going to be a mess when we need to go back and change our rates and have to update each of these contacts by hand. Having a contact Type would solve all this, just a few things to update. Using a % vs. a $$ amount also would make this more flexible without going back to make changes.
Felicity commented
This is such a good idea!
Dan commented
A massive plus one from me!
This is much needed. I would love to have the choice of creating a contract pricing structure for multiple customers without having to edit every line item in every contract.
Being able to apply pricing to a template and then attaching that template to customers would be a HUGE timesaver over doing it individually! -
Jason Marshall commented
Paul Schwegler commented
+1 for me, this is a huge PITA to add all of the potential labor services that we offer to every client that get a % discount off of labor.
James White commented
completely agree, I have been running into this issue a lot and it is a time suck.