Automatically Update the Comminication Log when the Email feature is used
When we email a customer from the main client page, it would be good if the Communication Log was updated with the date and subject line so that it is recorded in seqeuence. The emails are always recorded at the bottom of the cleint record which is fine except that they are not obvous at first glance. The Communication Log is close to the top of the cleint record and is therefore more visable plus it creates a chronological chain of contact. At the moment we manually add to the Communication LOg each time we send an email
Thank you
Greg Williams
Lincoln Computer Centre

Tim Nyberg commented
I agree, the current system is also poorly laid out just a big mess of text at the bottom hard to follow. It could be a nice clean lay out like an email box, just a single line for each message, with an expansion triangle if you wanted to view those messages so they take up less space and are easier to follow.
Greg Williams commented
*Communication *sequence *client *visible *Log
That would be a record number of typos in a single paragraph but at least I got chronological right!
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
YES! All of our communications are belong in the log. @Troy - DO IT!