Group Refurb tickets under the tickets tab
Hey guys,
Thanks for releasing customer purchases & refurbs it will help us. One slight problem for us though. We don't have a dedicated team of techs working on just refurbs. Our techs are used to looking through the ticket tab to keep on top of things. Would it be possible to include refurb tickets in the tickets tab like all the other tickets? Otherwise I know refurbs will get missed and stay sitting there for weeks. I know it's just a change in the way we work but it made sense to me to be able to see both in the tickets tab.
Maybe add the ticket type to the filter.

Cheryl commented
Yes please!!!
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
I personally HATE the mix of customer work and internal/refurb work. I want refurbs to have all the same benefits of tickets, but not to get mixed up. This is a good idea, so long as they are clearly marked as different than customer work in EVERY way.
James Moore commented
I could REALLY use the tickets functionality here. We use the worksheets as part of our standard calibration process, so all jobs (internal or external) need to have a ticket number assigned. Even an easy way to create a ticket that uses our own info as the customer would help.